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RE: VoteMatch Quizzes


RE: VoteMatch Quizzes
by BridgetAG at 2:37 pm EST, Jan 25, 2004

Unsurprisingly, Lieberman is 3rd from last, right
] above Cheney and Bush. ]-k

I had very similar results, which was no surprise either.

What I'd like to see is something like this, but with a preliminary issue weighting calibration. I would initially indicate whether there were some issues that should be more heavily weighted than others in my final calculation. If a candidate matches all of my economic preferences but is not pro-choice, there is no way that person is getting my vote.

Also, it would be tremendous to have a more in-depth and neutrally worded description of issues. If done well, this could be an invaluable tool to help voters, especially in a year when there are actual choices between candidates within the party primaries.

RE: VoteMatch Quizzes

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