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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Janet Nipple - OUCH!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Janet Nipple - OUCH!
by Acidus at 1:58 pm EST, Feb 2, 2004

] "I'll get you naked by the end of this song," sang
] performer Justin Timberlake, moments before he ripped off
] Jackson's top, exposing a bare breast -- the nipple
] covered by a metal 'solar' nipple medallion.

Why oh why would someone do this to their nipple?

RE: Janet Nipple - OUCH!
by IconoclasT at 7:02 pm EST, Feb 2, 2004

Acidus wrote:
] ] "I'll get you naked by the end of this song," sang
] ] performer Justin Timberlake, moments before he ripped off
] ] Jackson's top, exposing a bare breast -- the nipple
] ] covered by a metal 'solar' nipple medallion.
] Why oh why would someone do this to their nipple?

I like these comments on E!

But according to Reed, Sunday's peep show was not all for naught. At least we'll always have "wardrobe malfunction."

"You always like it when a new phrase enters pop culture," Reed said. "'Wardrobe malfunction' will enter the grist for late-night talk shows."

"Wardrobe malfunction" was how Timberlake termed the grope that partially disrobed his dance partner. Jackson's publicist liked the expression so much, he used it, too, as in, "I am confirming it was a wardrobe malfunction."

The malfunctioning red lace bra could not be reached for comment.,1,13409,00.html

RE: Janet Nipple - OUCH!
by flynn23 at 1:27 am EST, Feb 3, 2004

Acidus wrote:
] ] "I'll get you naked by the end of this song," sang
] ] performer Justin Timberlake, moments before he ripped off
] ] Jackson's top, exposing a bare breast -- the nipple
] ] covered by a metal 'solar' nipple medallion.
] Why oh why would someone do this to their nipple?

The thing that bothers me is that people are upset because it's offensive to see a beautiful woman's breast, and not that it was an inappropriate and crass means of self promotion, which obviously worked flawlessly.

Of course, the real marketing geniuses will sign up Janet to hock

Janet and Justin and the Superbowl, oh my!
by Elonka at 2:33 pm EST, Feb 2, 2004

] "I'll get you naked by the end of this song," sang
] performer Justin Timberlake, moments before he ripped off
] Jackson's top, exposing a bare breast -- the nipple
] covered by a metal 'solar' nipple medallion.

I'd been wondering whether it was a deliberate stunt or an accidental gaffe (many breasts have been bared on television unintentionally). But the closeup of the costume here makes it pretty clear that it was deliberate. The cup wasn't *torn* off, it was *unsnapped* off.

It was definitely one of the more entertaining moments of the evening though! I TiVo-ed the game and fast-forwarded through most of the first half, though there were some exciting plays later on. I wasn't that impressed with the commercials either, with the exception of the Cadillac wave "turbulence" ad -- nice graphics on that one. Runners-up: The alien Fedex-recommender, "my husband was raised by wolves," the crotch-biting dog was good for at least one laugh, and the donkey trying out for the Clydesdales was cute.

NYT: Damnit Janet
by Decius at 9:50 pm EST, Feb 2, 2004

Elonka wrote:
] ] "I'll get you naked by the end of this song," sang

Here is a link to NYT's commentary. They claim CBS is probably culpable. One wonders if they didn't have a delay loop on the broadcast. Good marketing for Jackson, though...

NYT: Damnit Janet

Janet Nipple - OUCH!
by k at 4:51 pm EST, Feb 2, 2004

] "I'll get you naked by the end of this song," sang
] performer Justin Timberlake, moments before he ripped off
] Jackson's top, exposing a bare breast -- the nipple
] covered by a metal 'solar' nipple medallion.

[ Silly silly puritans. I saw the picture... crimony, the medalion covered as much of her breast as that dude's hand did when she was on the cover of Rolling Stone. and of course there's nothing wrong with singing about fucking, but an unrestrained (DIRTY, FILTHY) titty on the screen sets loose the FCC attack hounds. Meanwhile Kelis' frickin milkshake song is huge, and the sexual imagery in it and it's ilk (Brittney, Christina, etc.) is only fine because people aren't paying attention. -k]

RE: Janet Nipple - OUCH!
by Elonka at 5:10 pm EST, Feb 2, 2004

Oh, I dunno, I think they have a legitimate beef. It's one thing to have a risque' magazine cover, and it's another to have naked flesh on a much-watched TV program (not to mention *the* most-watched TV program), that's supposed to be family-friendly.

For me, as an adult watching the show, I just found it amusing. But if I would have been watching with young kids in the room, well, suddenly getting an eyeful of breast, without any kind of warning, would probably have me annoyed as well.

For example, I like with some of the late-night primetime stuff, where there's a clear disclaimer before the show that some of it deals with adult themes. That way parents can make a choice of whether or not to allow their kids to watch, rather than having stuff forced on them in a shock treatment of some kind.

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