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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Is Biotechnology Losing Its Nerve?. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Is Biotechnology Losing Its Nerve?
by Jeremy at 11:13 am EST, Feb 29, 2004

Many biotechnology companies appear to be taking fewer chances lately -- to the point that the industry seems to have lost its nerve.

More and more start-ups now seem focused on scrounging around ...

"There's a fair question: Where's all the new stuff going on?"

As big pharmaceutical companies have become even larger, they have concentrated on drugs with blockbuster potential rather than devote time to drugs with smaller markets.

[Hmmm ... Where have I heard that story before?]

I bet Norah Jones is popular at biotech firms, both as inspiration and as consolation.

RE: Is Biotechnology Losing Its Nerve?
by Rattle at 7:17 pm EST, Mar 7, 2004

Jeremy wrote:
] As big pharmaceutical companies have become even larger, they
] have concentrated on drugs with blockbuster potential
] rather than devote time to drugs with smaller markets.
] [Hmmm ... Where have I heard that story before?]

Much like their power broker brethren in the media business, they lack a feedback mechanism. They are making blockbuster drugs because they do not know what else to make.

Now, we can empower the people with tools. Let them track themselves. This may be a way help get the drug companies obtain real information about how people work. As the double edged sword usually goes, there are reasons this is a touchy subject.

People should have the freedom to make choices involving their health care. That includes its research and development process, even if only in the form of input. The development of drugs should not stop once they have hit the market. Its time to learn some more lessons from software.

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