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RE: Conservative Punk Magazine - Columns


RE: Conservative Punk Magazine - Columns
by Laughing Boy at 8:54 am EST, Mar 29, 2004

Acidus wrote:
] ] believe this is an age of extremism and in it teen angst
] ] is being used as a political tool. Columbine allowed
] ] everyone to see inside the actual depth of emptiness some
] ] kids feel, medicated or not, and what the outcome of that
] ] torture could be. Those two kids actions only scratched
] ] the surface of destruction children could inflict in this
] ] country if mislead into the world of the Democratic
] ] deceit machine led by John Kerry.
] ... HAHAHAHAHAH[falls out of chair].

Yea no kidding! "Pot, meet kettle."

Whats next? Jewish Nazi Magazine? -LB

RE: Conservative Punk Magazine - Columns

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