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RE: - Report: U.S. hostage beheaded - Jun 18, 2004


RE: - Report: U.S. hostage beheaded - Jun 18, 2004
by ryan is the supernicety at 9:13 am EDT, Jun 19, 2004

k wrote:
] oaknet wrote:
] ] I am inclined to agree. And on that very basis bombing Iraqi
] ] cities filled with innocent civilians was morally
] ] unacceptable. Or was it somehow more acceptable because we
] ] didn't video each innocent "collatoral" man, woman and
] child's
] ] execution under US/UK fire?
] [ Hear hear. That's among the reasons i opposed the war,
] because wars are atrocities, probably in all cases, so the net
] postive outcomes better be obvious and overwhelming. Such
] conditions might not exist, which is a solid anti-war stance,
] but anyway, they clearly didn't exist in this case. All the
] reasons boiled down to "Saddam is a dick." ]
] ] If we can
] ] bomb a marketplace or a wedding and retain our moral base,
] ] then why not these other murderers?
] [ Can't. Those things are wrong. "We" as a nation, have lost
] a lot of our moral standing. "We" as individuals, can only be
] responsible as far as out influence and our voice. If you
] believe US imperialism is a-ok, then yeah, you're more
] culpable for the atrocities than someone who forsaw the
] bullshit and opposed the war on that priniciple. Whatever,
] it's a big argument, but you're basically right. Wars suck,
] and the winners write the accounts of it. That's changing
] with increased media presence... someday maybe accountability
] will be inherent. -k]

Ryan: k, thanks for writing my argument for me. it sures does help that we have known each other for so long. Botton line, I can't kill people. I understand the purpose of defense, but I myself can hardly imagine the situation within which I could even do it. Perhaps that makes me weak, but I respect life too much. I'm still working on the rationalization for me to not be a vegetarian, tho.

RE: - Report: U.S. hostage beheaded - Jun 18, 2004

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