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RE: Devices spur move to home-based care


RE: Devices spur move to home-based care
by skullaria at 8:57 am EDT, Aug 9, 2004

Well they better get back the infrastructure of support theylost when medicare quite paying for homecare based bloodwork and glucose testing. This one change in medicare laws a few years back cost a lot of home health registered nurses their jobs.

flynn23 wrote:
] ] An underlying theme in the march toward home-based care
] ] is that looming shortages of nurses, doctors and other
] ] health professionals, combined with mushrooming rates of
] ] diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and other costly
] ] chronic conditions will strain the system, forcing
] ] patients to be better self-managers, health care experts
] ] say.

RE: Devices spur move to home-based care

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