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RE: Devices spur move to home-based care


RE: Devices spur move to home-based care
by flynn23 at 12:01 pm EDT, Aug 10, 2004

skullaria wrote:
] My point is just that the medicare laws severely affect
] nursing.
] Sure the nuses easily got jobs elsewhere within the medical
] field, but the infrastructure for home health was greatly
] damaged. With the decreased caseload total decreased, home
] health agencies lost not only registered nurses, but LPNs and
] aides as well.

but are you saying that you feel home health is a superior option than self-help? Considering that most seniors (let alone Medicare beneficiaries) can't afford home health, this seems like a stretch. That's like saying that you believe Lamborghini's are superior to Ford Fiestas. Can (should?) the government buy Lambo's for everyone?

RE: Devices spur move to home-based care

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