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RE: Kerry Team Lines Up Vietnam Witnesses (


RE: Kerry Team Lines Up Vietnam Witnesses (
by Vile at 4:23 pm EDT, Aug 25, 2004

k wrote:
] ] President Bush yesterday repeated his condemnation of
] ] unregulated money that he said was "pouring" into the
] ] political process. But he stopped short of denouncing the
] ] ad by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which is being aired
] ] in three battleground states and is funded largely by
] ] Republicans.
] Many media outlets, including MSNBC and the (British)
] Independent got this wrong. Bush did not specifically condemn
] that Swift Vet Ad. Once again, he *did* blast 527 group
] spending. Bush never had any problem with such spending back
] when Republicans benefited from it (think 2000 in the Florida
] Recount).
] [ Yeah, it's really Bush's only move. If there was any class
] left in this battle, he'd say it like "I like to fight my own
] battles, and I don't appreciate the way this group is
] attacking my opponent." He could even tie in an anti-527
] message to that.

He did that last week on Larry King Live. He also signed a bill banning 527s!

Except I'm pretty sure I recall that he
] specifically opposed measures of the M-F bill which limited
] these groups. I'd have to research to verify.

Research it. You are wrong. He signed it and supported it.
] Regardless, even conceding that he genuintely doesn't like
] 527's, he does appreciate the message, obviously, because it's
] the standard tactic of avoiding any kind of actual issues
] discussion while keeping silly crap above the fold.

Did you know that Al Gore had six secret service agents surrounding him at all times in the Nam. Fortunate Son, by CCR, addresses this fact. Where was this outcry when Bush's henchmen did the same shit to McCain in 2000?

The only
] response kerry has to this kind of stuff is to a) point out
] that his refusal to directly denounce this crap is in
] contradiction of his prior statements of respect and honor for
] Kerry's service, b) point out that Mr. Bush was never wounded,
] superficially or otherwise, because he didn't *go* anywhere
] and c) drill home some points on other issues.

Or Kerry could present a plan of some sort for something...anything. I would care more about that than him reassuring me that he did take some shrapnel while slaughtering women and children in Vietnam.

] I think the more time he spends bringing out vets that support
] his side of the story and whining to FEC just makes it worse
] and lets it dominate the news. The media eats up anything it
] can jam into a he-said/she-said framework because then they
] can keep writing more of the same as the endless stream of
] rebuttals and counters come from each side. The
] non-journalists that dominate this process seldom bother to
] research either the he-said or the she-said to get some
] objective truth into the story, so the cycle keeps rolling.
] It's good business, but bad reporting. The Post is better at
] this than others, but i imagine it's discounted by a lot of
] people for it's "liberal bias".
] I still can't believe the legs this story has. -k]

If you ignore it, it will go away. Kerry should work harder. He's scum, and he's not even our scum. I don't give a fuck if he was in vietnam or not. He supported the war in Iraq and he is a career pol from a well-to-do family running for president on a ticket that pretends to be liberal-minded and winds up fucking us over just as much as their loyal opposition, the republicans.

RE: Kerry Team Lines Up Vietnam Witnesses (

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