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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Show Your Solidarity With a 'Fight Terrorism' License Plate [JPG]. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Show Your Solidarity With a 'Fight Terrorism' License Plate [JPG]
by Jeremy at 10:03 pm EDT, Jul 6, 2002

Virginians soon will be able to sport vehicle license plates bearing the words "Fight Terrorism" emblazoned in red letters ...

Virginians [can] obtain the new plates as a way to show solidarity ... and to demonstrate "a national effort to resist this type of thing from ever happening again."

The license plates can be ordered at ...

Does this supersede the flag-on-antenna and back-window/rear-bumper stickers? Or do I still need those even with an FT plate? (Proper Patriotism Procedures can be so confusing.)

Show Your Solidarity With a 'Fight Terrorism' License Plate [JPG]
by Decius at 12:54 pm EDT, Jul 7, 2002

Virginians soon will be able to sport vehicle license plates bearing the words "Fight Terrorism" emblazoned in red letters ...

Virginians [can] obtain the new plates as a way to show solidarity ... and to demonstrate "a national effort to resist this type of thing from ever happening again."

The license plates can be ordered at ...

Don't forget, the more people buy these license plates, the less likely it will be that terrorism will occur.

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