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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: - Fighter jet strafes New Jersey school - Nov 5, 2004. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet. - Fighter jet strafes New Jersey school - Nov 5, 2004
by Rattle at 9:24 am EST, Nov 5, 2004

] But when the heavy gun in the left wing of an Air
] National Guard F-16 fighter jet fired Wednesday night, it
] sent 25 rounds of 20mm ammunition smashing through the
] roof and zinging off the asphalt parking lot of the
] Little Egg Harbor Intermediate School 3 1/2 miles from
] the range.

I love my state, I really do.

RE: - Fighter jet strafes New Jersey school - Nov 5, 2004
by Vile at 7:12 pm EST, Nov 5, 2004

Rattle wrote:
] ] But when the heavy gun in the left wing of an Air
] ] National Guard F-16 fighter jet fired Wednesday night, it
] ] sent 25 rounds of 20mm ammunition smashing through
] the
] ] roof and zinging off the asphalt parking lot of the
] ] Little Egg Harbor Intermediate School 3 1/2 miles
] from
] ] the range.
] I love my state, I really do.

Yeah, but apparently the Air National Guard doesn't share your feelings. Egg Harbor? Ain't that close to where you live? Maybe they were gunning for you? Is Bush gonna come to NJ's aid and declare ware on the ANG? It only seems right.

RE: - Fighter jet strafes New Jersey school - Nov 5, 2004
by Rattle at 8:26 pm EST, Nov 6, 2004

Vile wrote:
] Yeah, but apparently the Air National Guard doesn't share your
] feelings. Egg Harbor? Ain't that close to where you live?
] Maybe they were gunning for you? Is Bush gonna come to NJ's
] aid and declare ware on the ANG? It only seems right.

What the hell is the ANG? I suspect I'm walking into some joke here..

Yes, it is close to where I live. Its one school district over from where my mother teaches. She says that during recess they can see the planes rounding over head during their bombing runs. They fly low enough to see the kids, sometimes when they wave the pilots will tip the plane's wings. - Fighter jet strafes New Jersey school - Nov 5, 2004
by Acidus at 10:20 am EST, Nov 5, 2004

] But when the heavy gun in the left wing of an Air
] National Guard F-16 fighter jet fired Wednesday night, it
] sent 25 rounds of 20mm ammunition smashing through the
] roof and zinging off the asphalt parking lot of the
] Little Egg Harbor Intermediate School 3 1/2 miles from
] the range.

I love my state, I really do.

I am Rattle's deadpan humor

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