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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Powell Resigns!!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Powell Resigns!!
by Rattle at 3:29 pm EST, Nov 15, 2004

] Despite his popularity, Powell will be remembered for
] presenting flawed evidence about Iraq's weapons of mass
] destruction to the United Nations when he made the case
] for war on behalf of Bush. he did so with Tenet sitting behind him, who is also no longer part of this governments leadership either.

I guess in the end, the secret service are not the only ones who will take a bullet, real or otherwise, for the president. Powell and his legacy are riddled with holes at this point, and its unclear how many of them were ones he leapt for versus hit him directly.

Rice may be his replacement.

] Powell is the highest-level official to quit since Bush
] won re-election, and one of four cabinet members whose
] resignations were announced on Monday. The others were
] Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, Education Secretary Rod
] Paige and Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman.

... and that's not all. Major shakeup. This isn't last term's administration.

RE: Powell Resigns!!
by Palindrome at 6:49 pm EST, Nov 16, 2004

] Education Secretary Rod Paige

Thank god!! I am glad he was one of the ones to go.

Powell Resigns!!
by Decius at 11:16 am EST, Nov 15, 2004

] Secretary of State Colin Powell, who enjoyed enormous
] respect around the world, has resigned but will stay on
] until his replacement is named as Washington makes a new
] push for Middle East peace, officials said on Monday.

The voice of moderation is gone. The baby boomers now completely control the country. Hold on to your hats.

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