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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: CNN | Point, click, bang!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

CNN | Point, click, bang!
by Rattle at 3:27 am EST, Nov 17, 2004

No more sitting at work bored, or angry, wishing you were somewhere else shooting guns at live animals! Thanks to the Internet and robotics technology, soon you will be able to torture (not kill, at least not quickly) animals, real life animals, all from the comfort of your computer desk or cubical.

Thought E-Commerce began and ended with a buy button on your remote control? Stop laughing, because the answer is an emphatic 'no'! Instead of making bids on a grilled cheese sandwich that carries the likeness of the Virgin Mary using EBay, you could be remotely shooting deer in Texas!


] Underwood, an estimator for a San Antonio, Texas auto
] body shop, has invested $10,000 to build a platform for a
] rifle and camera that can be remotely aimed on his
] 330-acre (133-hectare) southwest Texas ranch by anyone on
] the Internet anywhere in the world.
] The idea came last year while viewing another Web site on
] which cameras posted in the wild are used to snap photos
] of animals.
] "We were looking at a beautiful white-tail buck and my
] friend said 'If you just had a gun for that.' A little
] light bulb went off in my head," he said.

Oh, and what a little light bulb it was..

] "First it was rocks and clubs, then we sharpened it and put
] it on a stick. Then there was the bow and arrow, black
] powder, smokeless power and optics," Berger said. "Maybe
] this is the next technological step out there."

For those who cannot read between the lines here, there is an even more sadistic edge to this then the obvious. The rig spoken of in this article is only designed to fire a .22 caliber round. That is _not_ enough to kill a deer. Well, maybe if you where lucky enough hit it in a weak part of the skull at close to point blank range. That is a _very_ weak round, especially at any significant range. Its considered useful for target practice and that's about it. Its not a defensive round, its certainly not something you would use to humanely kill an animal in any way other then at point blank range. They use that round to kill animals in slaughterhouses, but they put it right up to the animal's skull. This sounds more like remote torture then remote hunting..

CNN | Point, click, bang!
by Decius at 10:13 am EST, Nov 17, 2004

] Underwood, an estimator for a San Antonio, Texas auto
] body shop, has invested $10,000 to build a platform for a
] rifle and camera that can be remotely aimed on his
] 330-acre (133-hectare) southwest Texas ranch by anyone on
] the Internet anywhere in the world.

So, what's the fucking URL. I need to get in touch with this guy about adding wheels.

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