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RE: Drinking Liberally


RE: Drinking Liberally
by Decius at 7:43 pm EDT, Apr 14, 2005

Neoteric wrote:
] wanna get drunk w/ a bunch of strangers in different cities?
] Come on out and drinkliberally.
] --timball

When I saw this at first it sounded interesting. An opportunity to meet people who want to talk about politics who I might agree with on some level. However, digging into the forums the folks seem to hate the current government with the same uncritical absolution that right wingers have in loving it.

I think I'd get along here about as well as I would at the weekly Republican duck hunt. Maybe at first it would be easier, as I would "look" like a liberal. Maybe I could avoid revealing that I'm not a socialist and I didn't opposed the war in Afghanistan... But inevitably they would pile on to some poorly thought out advocacy mission or try to sign me on to some gross Democratic party legislative initiative which aims to restrict my personal freedom for the benefit of one of their activist groups, and things would quickly boil into argument.

The problem is that both the left and the right wish to restrict my personal freedom in one way or another, and the libertarians want to privatize the freeway system based on oversimplified ideas about market economics. I have no political family. I have no party.

For those that do, Drink the Koolaid liberally, and enjoy!

RE: Drinking Liberally

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