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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by Acidus at 5:31 pm EDT, May 26, 2005

] The Illinois Senate approved a version of Gov. Rod
] Blagojevich's proposed restrictions on the sales of
] violent and sexually explicit video games to children,
] even though some senators said the idea is
] unconstitutional.
] The measure approved Thursday would require store owners
] to determine which games are too violent or sexually
] explicit for anyone under 18. Anyone selling them to a
] minor could be fined.

OK, Problem 1. Putting the burden on the shop owner to classify "obscene" games, and then fining the owner when their definition of "obscene" differs from yours. What do they expect these owners do to? Play every game that comes out every week to test it? Shouldn't they rather be, I don't know, running their damn business?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Parents: its not the gov't job to raise your kids for you. Stop lobbying for shitty laws because you are 'too busy' with your career to *actually* spend time teaching your kids right and wrong"

This is just golden:

] The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure
] would interfere with free speech rights.
] "Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are
] simulations, not all that different from the simulations
] used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."

But the saddest thing in this entire article is:

] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] show up in a campaign mail piece

RE: Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by Jamie at 6:17 pm EDT, May 26, 2005

Acidus wrote:
] ] The Illinois Senate approved a version of Gov. Rod
] ] Blagojevich's proposed restrictions on the sales of
] ] violent and sexually explicit video games to children,
] ] even though some senators said the idea is
] ] unconstitutional.
] ]
] ] The measure approved Thursday would require store owners
] ] to determine which games are too violent or sexually
] ] explicit for anyone under 18. Anyone selling them to a
] ] minor could be fined.
] OK, Problem 1. Putting the burden on the shop owner to
] classify "obscene" games, and then fining the owner when their
] definition of "obscene" differs from yours. What do they
] expect these owners do to? Play every game that comes out
] every week to test it? Shouldn't they rather be, I don't know,
] running their damn business?
] I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Parents: its
] not the gov't job to raise your kids for you. Stop lobbying
] for shitty laws because you are 'too busy' with your career to
] *actually* spend time teaching your kids right and wrong"

] This is just golden:
] ] The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure
] ] would interfere with free speech rights.
] ]
] ] "Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are
] ] simulations, not all that different from the simulations
] ] used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."
] But the saddest thing in this entire article is:
] ] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] ] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] ] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] ] show up in a campaign mail piece

The government should just go ahead and make a label like they did for music - slap a sticker on a box and go with it.
I think it would actually help sales.

You walk into a store - two video games. One says "Safe for Children" the other says "gratuitous violence" - I know which one I'm buying.

RE: Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by Acidus at 8:12 pm EDT, May 26, 2005

] The government should just go ahead and make a label like they
] did for music - slap a sticker on a box and go with it.
] I think it would actually help sales.
] You walk into a store - two video games. One says "Safe for
] Children" the other says "gratuitous violence" - I know which
] one I'm buying.

Back in the summer of 1999 Interplay had a 1st Person shooter called "Kingpin." I had to show 2 forms of ID at the local EB to buy it.

Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by Decius at 5:59 pm EDT, May 26, 2005

] The measure approved Thursday would require store owners
] to determine which games are too violent or sexually
] explicit for anyone under 18. Anyone selling them to a
] minor could be fined.


This is just golden:

] The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure
] would interfere with free speech rights.
] "Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are
] simulations, not all that different from the simulations
] used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."

But the saddest thing in this entire article is:

] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] show up in a campaign mail piece

RE: Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by noteworthy at 10:38 pm EDT, May 26, 2005

Acidus and Decius wrote:
] But the saddest thing in this entire article is:
] ] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] ] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] ] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] ] show up in a campaign mail piece."

This mentality is pervasive, and this is the practical effect of negative compaigning, which was never meant to directly influence the voters. It has evolved to the point where the mere threat of such advertising is a major deterrent. And the insecure congressmen are so paranoid about this that they actually fabricate threats against themselves in order to rationalize their own behavior.

This is exactly the same reason why we have legislation like the Women's Restroom Equity Bill:

I only included part of the quote in my stream. The full quote is:

"It's a good bill, but if there was ever a bill I was afraid of being on the wrong side of, it is this bill," said Councilman Erik Martin Dilan of Brooklyn, voicing a sentiment held by a number of his colleagues. Noting that 60 percent of his constituents are women, Councilman Dilan added, "I really don't want to face them in an election year having to explain my position if I was on the wrong side of this vote."

Now who was the genius that decided to put the word "equity" in the title of a bill that mandates a 2-to-1 ratio?

Illinois Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by Rattle at 12:18 pm EDT, May 27, 2005

Lets hope that the Illinois Senate comes off looking really stupid.

] The measure approved Thursday would require store owners
] to determine which games are too violent or sexually
] explicit for anyone under 18. Anyone selling them to a
] minor could be fined.


This is just golden:

] The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure
] would interfere with free speech rights.
] "Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are
] simulations, not all that different from the simulations
] used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."

But the saddest thing in this entire article is:
] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] show up in a campaign mail piece

RE: Illinois Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by Vile at 4:36 am EDT, May 29, 2005

Rattle wrote:
] Lets hope that the Illinois Senate comes off looking really
] stupid.
] ] The measure approved Thursday would require store owners
] ] to determine which games are too violent or sexually
] ] explicit for anyone under 18. Anyone selling them to a
] ] minor could be fined.
] Brilliant!
] This is just golden:
] ] The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure
] ] would interfere with free speech rights.
] ]
] ] "Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are
] ] simulations, not all that different from the simulations
] ] used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."
] But the saddest thing in this entire article is:
] ] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] ] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] ] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] ] show up in a campaign mail piece

godammit! They were democrats! Why the hell has the populist party turned into the pussy party? This saddens me since my own personal hero Will Rogers supported these bastards! I wanna come down against the Republican regime, but the alternative sickens me as much! Get your shit together or join the Elephants! We need true people of the people!

Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by k at 1:43 am EDT, May 28, 2005

] The measure approved Thursday would require store owners
] to determine which games are too violent or sexually
] explicit for anyone under 18. Anyone selling them to a
] minor could be fined.

[ Let me get this straight.... is this saying that the stores need to set policied on which games shouldn't be sold to minors, but if it's determined after the fact that they were wrong, then they get fined? What total horseshit. ]

This is just golden:

] The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure
] would interfere with free speech rights.
] "Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are
] simulations, not all that different from the simulations
] used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."

[ I think they're both art and media, as well as simulations. I also think this Senator is an extremist who's letting her false sense of morality get in the way of whatever intellect she actually has. ]

But the saddest thing in this entire article is:

] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] show up in a campaign mail piece

[ Yeah, that's total bullshit. Welcome to the end of respectability... stupid stupid stupid public. -k]

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