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MemeStreams Discussion


This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: MemeStreams Stickers!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

MemeStreams Stickers!
by Decius at 11:25 pm EDT, Jul 16, 2005

Frustrated by MemeStreams? Sick of our bad UI design? Tired of all these stupid people and their insipid political ideas and boring personal interests? Why start a flame war when you can take out your frustrations like a man... with firearms! Send an email to with your mailing address and I'll mail you some MemeStreams sitckers! Stick them to your car. Stick them to your laptop. Stick them to your little sister. Or better yet, take them down to the range...

RE: MemeStreams Stickers!
by Dr. Nanochick at 2:42 pm EDT, Jul 17, 2005

Hey now....stick them to your little sister?! /me locks the door to her room:)

Decius wrote:
Frustrated by MemeStreams? Sick of our bad UI design? Tired of all these stupid people and their insipid political ideas and boring personal interests? Why start a flame war when you can take out your frustrations like a man... with firearms! Send an email to with your mailing address and I'll mail you some MemeStreams sitckers! Stick them to your car. Stick them to your laptop. Stick them to your little sister. Or better yet, take them down to the range...

MemeStreams Stickers!
by Rattle at 11:48 pm EDT, Jul 16, 2005

Frustrated by MemeStreams? Sick of our bad UI design? Tired of all these stupid people and their insipid political ideas and boring personal interests? Why start a flame war when you can take out your frustrations like a man... with firearms! Send an email to with your mailing address and I'll mail you some MemeStreams sitckers! Stick them to your car. Stick them to your laptop. Stick them to your little sister. Or better yet, take them down to the range..

Disclaimer: "Industrial Memetics testing indicates that its new sticker product will not protect against 45 cal, 9mm, 7.62x39, .223, or 12 guage slug. However, other tests indicate it may survive for a short time on the bottom of a skateboard."

MemeStreams Stickers!
by k at 11:12 am EDT, Jul 19, 2005

Frustrated by MemeStreams? Sick of our bad UI design? Tired of all these stupid people and their insipid political ideas and boring personal interests? Why start a flame war when you can take out your frustrations like a man... with firearms! Send an email to with your mailing address and I'll mail you some MemeStreams sitckers! Stick them to your car. Stick them to your laptop. Stick them to your little sister. Or better yet, take them down to the range...

[ I already have one on *my* car! -k]

There are redundant posts not displayed in this view from the following users: Shannon, Acidus.
Powered By Industrial Memetics