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RE: The Year 2020


RE: The Year 2020
by Catonic at 6:33 am EDT, Sep 19, 2005

janelane wrote:
In my "Engineering Design" class, we have to figure out what the world of 2020 will be like. Specifically, we are figuring out design processes for globally distributed design and marketing environments. I am curious what you all think of how 2020 will turn out, and the professor encourages us to ask people with opinions varying from our own. I can think of no greater variety than the Memestreams readership. What do you think? What issues (either same or different) are we likely to face? What will drive the above environments?

In 2020, there will be no outsourcing. In 2010, a revolt of the workers causes all the CXOs to be chased off or murdered in the boardroom, leaving the middle managers who cave to the masses (they never had any backbone anyway) and return the means of production to the proletariat.

RE: The Year 2020

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