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RE: Georgia Law to put Computer Forensics experts in Jail -- HB 1259


RE: Georgia Law to put Computer Forensics experts in Jail -- HB 1259
by Lost at 2:51 am EDT, Apr 23, 2006

dc0de wrote:

Jello wrote:

Its not difficult at all to become a private investigator, if this does pass.

Well, the point is this -

1. To become a P.I. in GA, you don't ever have to take ANY classes on computer forensics

2. This law will make it illegal for Delloitte to perform many of their computer security services without breaking the law.

3. Those people who have already testified in GA courts and have been ACCEPTED as expert witnesses in computer forensics will be breaking the law if this passes.

4. The requirements for a PI is to have at least one licensed PI with a criminal justice degree... again, NOTHING to do with computer forensics.

While it might not be "hard" to get a license, there is a reason that a majority of the Forensics companies have not gotten them to date. They are not condusive to getting contract work, as a PI is not educated in Computer Forensics processes and procedures, where an EnCE certified computer forensics expert (for example), IS trained specifically in the gathering of evidence from digital assets.

I think that by limiting the responsibility for computer forensics to a group of people that have no clear credentials in computer forensics will further erode the capability to bring computer based criminals to justice. The majority of the PI's that I know, clearly admit that they have NO IDEA how to collect computer evidence. One of them recently stated to me, "I think this law is patently stupid, and I'm a licensed P.I. in the state".

While it might not be Hard to get a PI license, it shouldn't be necessary. PI's and Computers don't mix...

I'm confused about what you mean about the criminal justsice class. I know people who've gotten PI licenses and it was quite easy. Do you mean that a consulting firm would have to have someone with a criminal justice degree on board?

RE: Georgia Law to put Computer Forensics experts in Jail -- HB 1259

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