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Google News - Elonka and the Da Vinci story
by Elonka at 9:27 pm EDT, May 2, 2006

I've been intrigued by how the AP story from last Thursday (4/27) was disseminated to various papers. At last count, it was picked up by around 80 different newspapers pretty much verbatim, though there's some variation in what headline they chose. The most common ones were:

Da Vinci puzzle stumps lawyers

London lawyers turn code-breakers to decipher Da Vinci Code

London lawyers turn into code-breakers to decipher Da Vinci Code

London lawyers turn into Code-Breakers

Lawyers try to crack judge's code

Lawyers try to crack Da Vinci judge's code

Code in Da Vinci judgement

'Da Vinci' Judgement puzzles lawyers

A new code to crack

Solve this mystery message to crack Da Vinci decree

My local "St. Louis Post-Dispatch" listed it as:

St. Charles woman, others trying to break new "Da Vinci" code

And a few other notable exceptions, including two that wanted to add the word "fanatics" to the headline, were:

- London lawyers hit the books over code (Daily Breeze)

- London lawyers turn into "Da Vinci Code"-breaking fanatics(Boston Globe)

- London lawyers turn into "Da Vinci Code"-breaking fanatics to decipher 'Da Vinci' Code (San Diego Union Tribune)

If I was going to spend more time on this, I'd sort by how many papers used which headlines, but I hit my "time-wasting" threshold. ;) The list of papers that covered it though is as follows:

680 News, Canada
ABC News
Akron Beacon Journal, OH
Belleville News-Democrat, IL
Biloxi Sun Herald
Bluefield Daily Telegraph
Boston Globe, USA
Bradenton Herald, USA
Brocktown News, USA
Brooks Bulletin, Canada, Canada
CBS News
Centre Daily Times, PA
Charlotte Observer, NC
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, GA
Contra Costa Times, CA
CRI, China
Daily Breeze, CA
Duluth News Tribune, MN
Ely Times, USA, CA
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN
Fort Wayne News Sentinel, IN
Fort Worth Star Telegram, TX
Gainesville Sun, FL
Grand Forks Herald, ND
Guardian Unlimited, UK
Hartford Courant, USA
Herald News Daily, ND
Hinesberg Journal, Canada
Houston Chronicle, United States
Jackson News-Tribune, WY
Jam! Showbiz, Canada
Kansas City Star, MO
Kansas City Star, MO, KY
Macleans, Canada
Macon Telegraph, GA
Miami Herald, FL
Monterey County Herald, CA
Montreal Gazeete
Munster Times, IN
Myrtle Beach Sun News, SC, FL
Olberlin, KS
Ottawa Citizen, Canada
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, PA
Pierceland, Herald, Canada
Pioneer Press, MN
Regina Leader-post, Canada
San Diego Union Tribune, United States
San Jose Mercury News
San Luis Obispo Tribun e, CA
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Special Broadcasting Service, Australia
Sploid (satire)
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, United States
StarPhoenix, Canada
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
The Kindred Times, Utah
The Age, Australia
The Columbian, WA
The Ledger, FL
The News Tribune, WA
The Tribune-Democrat, PA
The Westfall Weekly News, Canada, NY
Times Picayune, LA
Vancouver Sun
Washington Post, USA
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader, PA, NC
Wyoming News, WY

Elonka :)

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