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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: WorldNetDaily: Against a fence. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

WorldNetDaily: Against a fence
by k at 7:37 pm EDT, May 15, 2006

And he will be lying, again, just as he lied when he said: "Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic – it's just not going to work."

Not only will it work, but one can easily estimate how long it would take. If it took the Germans less than four years to rid themselves of 6 million Jews, many of whom spoke German and were fully integrated into German society, it couldn't possibly take more than eight years to deport 12 million illegal aliens, many of whom don't speak English and are not integrated into American society.

[ Wow. Just wow.

That's brilliant. So forget the whole concept of America, and emulate the Nazis? Yeah. Yeah, lets do that. Because the Nazis had a domestic policy *everyone* can get behind.

This level of stupidity will never cease to amaze me. -k]

WorldNetDaily: Against a fence
by Decius at 1:05 am EDT, May 16, 2006

And he will be lying, again, just as he lied when he said: "Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic – it's just not going to work."

Not only will it work, but one can easily estimate how long it would take. If it took the Germans less than four years to rid themselves of 6 million Jews, many of whom spoke German and were fully integrated into German society, it couldn't possibly take more than eight years to deport 12 million illegal aliens, many of whom don't speak English and are not integrated into American society.

If you're really looking for blogistan entertainment you should click through to the guy's blog where he tries to defend this comment by claiming to be a Libertarian and calling everyone else an idiot. Yes, its indeed possible to remove 12 million people from a country. The Germans did it. We've done it before (Trail of tears anyone?). It occured in Isreal although the circumstances are a matter of factual dispute.

These were, of course, all bad moments in history that have left permanent scars on the affected populations. There isn't an example of a happy time when 12 million people were removed from a country. The Holocaust is obviously the worst, and so why choose that as your example? Its obviously not going to look like that here, but there really is no example that is acceptable, which is exactly why this is an insane, and evil idea.

The Republicans have got a real problem here. They've had their pundits out sturring the pots on this for several years now. Their authoritarian base wants to see action and won't be satisfied with any compromises. They aren't interested in anything less then getting to watch a large scale human catasrophy go down here and they'll be smiling about it the whole time. The Republicans cannot actually deliver this nightmare, both because its not really in their economic interest, and because they aren't really that evil.

So we've got 6,000 national guard going down there. Its intended to look tough, but its not, and their base knows it, and it has the additional benefit of taking resources away from the GWOT. They can't make their base happy on this, and unlike most civil liberties issues their base is furious about they can't blame this one on the Supreme Court.

This is going to either split the party in two, ensuring the Democrats control, or its going to futher radicalize it. For moderate Conservatives there is no way to win here unless the subject can be changed. Right now the other topical matter is, ehm, wiretapping.

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