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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The Blog | Cenk Uygur: Vicious Muslims and the Americans Who Help Them | The Huffington Post. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The Blog | Cenk Uygur: Vicious Muslims and the Americans Who Help Them | The Huffington Post
by Heathyr at 10:45 am EDT, Sep 12, 2006

We have two more years of this buffoon in office while there is a significant gathering threat. This guy is so incompetent that he brags that there was only one 9/11 on his watch. Could you imagine FDR bragging that there was only one Pearl Harbor while he was Commander in Chief? How many does there have to be before we declare you asleep at the wheel? My God man, there was a memo telling you they were coming and you stayed on vacation for another month! Do you care at all?

This is quote jumped out, but it's midway through the article. In the beginning, Uygur makes the point that Christianity has done a lot of wrong in the name of religion, just like Islam. My thought? *Monotheism* is wrong. It breeds exclusionary, self-righteous, violent behaviour. So much wrong has been one in the name of a "one God" that I can't see how they can justify there IS a one God.

Zealotry in any form is bad. Fanaticism leads to destruction. It closes minds and shuts down ethics and morality. Anyone or any group can be prone to this. It just appears that religions get it in spades. It's a shame.

How hard is it to follow a general golden rule, basic ethics and morals, and not put hard core religious twists and spins and guilts and such on it? Treat others well. Respect and accept their differences. What happens between consenting adults is their deal.

That sort of thing. Why is this so hard? The world be such a better place, if we could all just follow this.


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