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RE: PS3 crime spree! - Engadget


RE: PS3 crime spree! - Engadget
by k at 8:42 pm EST, Nov 20, 2006

Decius wrote:

k wrote:
How obscenely rich is the U.S. We don't riot over food or water or government atrocities, but the most overpriced, overhyped game system in history? Oh yeah, I'll fucking kill you for your PS3.

Well, to be honest, a lot of this has to do with Walmart breaking the concert ticket distribution rules by not actually giving the PS3s to the first people who were in line, but doing stupid stuff that shuffles the order and pisses everyone off. I seem to recall your having a story with that.

Oh yeah, I'm certainly sympathetic to the anger, if not the expression thereof.

I got fucked on that by some asshole Ticketmaster fuck once.

Truth be told though, I'm not against making those kinds of situations a lottery, as long as that fact is publicized WELL in advance. Then people won't bother showing up early and waiting in line... you just get there when the lottery happens and either get lucky or not.

Rewarding loyalty (in the form of waiting in line longer than anyone else) is good too, but the problem is that the lines are unpoliced and probably unpoliceable, so people get forced out of line or whatever and shit goes down. Probably in a smallish percentage of cases, but when you see that these fucking machines were selling on eBay for 4, 5 and more times their retail price, the likelihood of getting pushed out of your spot by someone willing to force the matter goes up.

Again, these are isolated incidents and generally things go down ok. I'll note that the Wii launch seemed to go down much smoother. That probably was assisted by the fact that they had 40-50 Wii's per store as opposed to 6-10 PS3's.

Anyway, I still say fuck the PS3 and sony. I'm getting a Wii as soon as it's feasible to get one without camping out or going through hoops.

RE: PS3 crime spree! - Engadget

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