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Defense Tech: We Get Letters: 'Sats Attacking My Brain'
by Rattle at 10:27 am EST, Dec 16, 2006

Defense Tech relays this email from a poor fellow who is being targeted by the US Government's Orbital Mind Control Lasers (OMCL). Either that, or he is just nuts. There is also a slight possibility he just has a great sense of humor.

Dear Sir,

Satellite Technology could be used on terrorist. If a terrorist is caught the "lasered" with Satellite technology then let go. That individual can be monitored 24/7/365 with out ever knowing that it is being done to him. Follow the rat back to the nest. If the "laser" that can shock the nervous system is also applied then that individual can be controlled to a certain extent. Sleep deprivation can be used and the shocking of the nervous system takes allot out of the individual. I know it is being used on me.

I am sending you this because I do not know who else to turn to. Satellite technology is being used on me. The only proof I have is other people hearing these people. My dentist, people at a coffee shop, barber, suppermarket, everywhere I go ect... I hoped that I was just mentally ill but when other people can hear them then it's not me. Me I am having sleep deprivation, shocking to my nervous system and other disruptive things being done to me utilizing this technology.

Remember the MIT paper on prevention of mind control rays? Also on DefenseTech, there is an interesting post about the Air Force's satellite hackers. Orbital mind control systems are highly vulnerable.

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RE: Defense Tech: We Get Letters: 'Sats Attacking My Brain'
by Decius at 11:24 am EST, Dec 16, 2006

Rattle wrote:
I hoped that I was just mentally ill but when other people can hear them then it's not me.

Mother, can you hear the orbital mind control lasers? Mother?

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