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RE: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls


RE: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls
by Lost at 6:23 pm EST, Feb 2, 2007

Hijexx wrote:
Gov. Rick Perry ordered Friday that schoolgirls in Texas must be vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer, making Texas the first state to require the shots.

The girls will have to get Merck & Co.'s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV, that are responsible for most cases of cervical cancer.

Merck is bankrolling efforts to pass laws in state legislatures across the country mandating it Gardasil vaccine for girls as young as 11 or 12. It doubled its lobbying budget in Texas and has funneled money through Women in Government, an advocacy group made up of female state legislators around the country.


Perry has several ties to Merck and Women in Government. One of the drug company's three lobbyists in Texas is Mike Toomey, his former chief of staff. His current chief of staff's mother-in-law, Texas Republican state Rep. Dianne White Delisi, is a state director for Women in Government.


Perry also received $6,000 from Merck's political action committee during his re-election campaign.


/cynic mode ON

Welcome to Utopia. Now we vaccinate your children for sexually transmitted diseases. Please report to Central Immunization immediately. Failure to comply within seven days will result in quarantine.

/cynic mode OFF

I don't believe this. I'm dumbfounded. Corporate cronyism at it's boldest. If this comes to your state, not only should you say no, you should say HELL NO. Since when is it the State's place to give preventative STD vaccines to children? I know the carrot here is oh it's such a great thing, it prevents cervical cancer. But is cervical cancer really a US health epidemic? Everything I've read says otherwise.

Even if you trust the State to inject whatever they deem necessary into your children, think about the economics here. $360 a head for the vaccine treatments. Wouldn't it be a lot cheaper to provide education about the importance of regular pap smears? Even if you get this vaccine, you still need them anyway.

And yes, I did not miss the part about an affidavit being available to opt out. I won't bore you with stories I've read about how that has been abused in the past, where kids were quarantined then the parents were charged with truancy, etc... Hit me up if you want the skinny on that.

Recommended reading:

10 Things You Might Not Know about Gardasil

Notable quotables:

4. While we're on the subject of liability, lawsuits, and profits, there's another angle to consider. If Merck can get state governments to put Gardasil on their lists of vaccines that are required for schoolchildren, it can become a part of a federal vaccine liability program. Meaning that Merck will not be liable if Gardasil turns out to be harmful some time in the future.

5. There have been no long-term studies done on the effect of the vaccine after 5-10 or more years, and testing on young girls has been extremely limited.

6. It is unknown how long the immunity provided by Gardasil actually lasts.

7. The studies done on Gardasil were not set up to investigate whether the vaccine itself has the potential to cause cancer.

More recommended reading:

A New Vaccine for Girls, but Should It Be Compulsory?

Schools already make kids get vaccinated for a variety of diseases. I don't think you can attend public school without being vaccinated for Mumps, Measles, Rubella or Polio, for instance. The reason for this is that children interact in manners that would allow for transmission: they touch each other, they sit near each other, they cough.

HPV is an epidemic. Most young people have it. Once you accept that children have sex with one another, and therefore act in a way that routinely transmits this disease... it follows that they should be vaccinated, and its no more Orwellian than vaccinating children against Measles, because they cough on one another.

It may be too soon for this to happen. Lord knows we've made mistakes with vaccines before, like the CHAT polio vaccine which may have caused SIV to jump to humans and become HIV. But in general, this is not a bad idea. I'm not aware that long term trials have EVER been done when new vaccines for serious diseases were developed. We rush to use them, and hope they are not as bad as the diseases they cure. Usually, we are right.

RE: Texas Requires Cancer Vaccine for Girls

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