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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Can AOL Keep Its Subscribers in a New World of Broadband?. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Can AOL Keep Its Subscribers in a New World of Broadband?
by Jeremy at 6:30 am EDT, Jul 29, 2002

Is America Online's subscriber base about to peak?

Online ads are down, accounting is in question; subscriber growth rates declining rapidly toward the negative; forced to offer deep discounts to manufacture growth; AOL admits "broadband is [even] less profitable than dial-up".

EarthLink CEO: "Even if [AOL is] wildly successful [in the broadband market], they will never be able to replicate their dominance in dial-up." On AOL's strategy: "It's profitless prosperity."

MSN is skeptical: "My question is how long can they milk their base. There is only so long people will pay $14.95 a month to keep their old e-mail address."

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