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RE: Live and Let Live?


RE: Live and Let Live?
by k at 11:26 am EDT, Jun 22, 2007

Stefanie wrote:
Beef: it's what's for dinner, unless you're working for Paul McCartney.

'Live and let live' foreign idea to left
By Ted Nugent, Texas Wildman
Sunday, June 17, 2007

we all know ol' Nuge isn't by any stretch of the imagination a weirdo when it comes to an omnivorous diet.

Oh? You wrote a book with your wife Shemane called "Kill It and Grill It". That's only not weird in comparison with all the other stupid shit you've ever said.

This is but one of many issues that represent the line drawn in the sand between liberals and conservatives.

It is? And here I thought it was things like not getting us into asinine wars, providing services and opportunities for the American people and working for a clean and healthy environment (which was, once, a Conservative position, though these days it's hard to imagine it was genuine).

Nobody from our side wants to force anybody to have a gun or defend themselves. It is us, the conservatives, who are for individual choice.

No, certainly not, you just want to force us to live in an environment where barely hinged, vigilante justice loving wingers get to tromp around with deadly weapons and no conception of responsibility, a state of constant fear of THE BAD GUYS who are out to kill us or, worse, STEAL OUR SHIT, and such a lack of oversight that corruption and pollution can run rampant. Not to mention a lack of basic compassion.

Sounds great!

And, to top it all off, the entire aticle is completely inconsistent with the supposed premise that he and his ilk are all about personal choice, which hangs it up as the outright falsity it is. No one forced his friends to work for Paul McCartney, knowing his politics. They accepted this job of their own free will and could've made the choice not to. Where's your "it's all about choice" attitude now? Don't get me wrong, this isn't an argument I'm particularly supportive of, because it undermines all kinds of worker protections that I support. But if you're going to argue that individual choice is paramount, then you can't do it without admitting that people have a choice not to put themselves in uncomfortable or compromising work environments.

I actually agree that Paul McCartney's an asshole, for this and other reasons, but it's not a right vs left issue, it's a normal human vs. douchebag issue, and doesn't scale to anything resembling a quorum.

RE: Live and Let Live?

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