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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Sadly, No! » ZOMG!!!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Sadly, No! » ZOMG!!!
by k at 5:10 pm EDT, Jun 25, 2007

Best. Blogs4Brownback. Post. EVAR!!!1!!

As usual, when scientists tell you something, you can usually find the truth if you look in the opposite direction. What scientists label “positive”, the protons, actually- by their own theories- huddle in the center of the atom, slothful and lazy, sheltering the morally timid neutrons. The ones who go about, energizing things and spreading the Gospel, are the electrons. This leads me to believe that electrons are actually the positive moral force here, not the lazy, good-for-nothing neutrons and certainly not the vile, wicked, electron-counteracting, equivocation-enabling protons.

Electrons are the positive force in the atomic world. They are God’s servants. What, then, could they be, if not angels? Doesn’t this explain how the Lord is at work in every piece of technology we currently operate? Electrons power them all; ergo, the Lord, through the direct intercession of His servants, the angels, powers it all. It also explains smiting; thousands of angels come down from the Heavens and enter the skulls of the evildoers.

Bradrocket adds: I’m fairly certain Blogs4Brownback is parody at this point. Sadly, his basic premise about science isn’t too different from what Jeff Jacoby wrote in yesterday’s Globe:


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