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by leed25d at 9:07 pm EDT, Jul 12, 2003

Ok. This is the CNN home page on Sat Jul 12 18:57:11 PDT 2003. Click on the interactive 'nuclear club' link under the N. Korea headline. This is absolutely laughable.

by wilpig at 5:07 pm EDT, Jul 13, 2003

leed25d wrote:
] Ok. This is the CNN home page on Sat Jul 12 18:57:11 PDT 2003.
] Click on the interactive 'nuclear club' link under the N.
] Korea headline. This is absolutely laughable.

here is your link since the main page of CNN has changed.
by Laughing Boy at 1:06 am EST, Feb 14, 2004

] Some 400 pages of President Bush's military files were
] made public Friday amid questions about whether he
] fulfilled his required service in the Air National Guard.
] None of the documents relate to service between May 1972
] to May 1973, when Bush transferred from Texas to Alabama.


by Shannon at 4:57 pm EST, Feb 14, 2004

Laughing Boy wrote:
] ] Some 400 pages of President Bush's military files were
] ] made public Friday amid questions about whether he
] ] fulfilled his required service in the Air National Guard.
] ] None of the documents relate to service between May 1972
] ] to May 1973, when Bush transferred from Texas to Alabama.
] BURN!!!

War president...
by Jamie at 3:07 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

Bush: 'I take responsibility'


This guy always takes the moral high ground. Impressive.

by Shannon at 3:12 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

ibenez wrote:

Bush: 'I take responsibility'


This guy always takes the moral high ground. Impressive.

Taking responsibility would require him to make up for the damage he's responsible for. If that is not possible, he should resign.

by Jamie at 3:16 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

terratogen wrote:

ibenez wrote:

Bush: 'I take responsibility'


This guy always takes the moral high ground. Impressive.

Taking responsibility would require him to make up for the damage he's responsible for. If that is not possible, he should resign.

Sure. The fact of the matter is that he is openly claming responsibility for the (lack of) federal response. That is impressive. Show me ONE democrat who has ever done that.. .

Oh wait.. that's right, BJ Clinton accepted responsibility for lying under oath and cheating on his wife and disgracing the oval office.

by Shannon at 3:51 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

ibenez wrote:

terratogen wrote:

ibenez wrote:

Bush: 'I take responsibility'


This guy always takes the moral high ground. Impressive.

Taking responsibility would require him to make up for the damage he's responsible for. If that is not possible, he should resign.

Sure. The fact of the matter is that he is openly claming responsibility for the (lack of) federal response. That is impressive. Show me ONE democrat who has ever done that.. .

Oh wait.. that's right, BJ Clinton accepted responsibility for lying under oath and cheating on his wife and disgracing the oval office.

There's a difference between admitting guilt and doing something about it. Saying "Yeah, it was me" would only be an honorable thing to say if you would also accept responsibility and took what ever repercussions you deserve for your mistakes. Otherwise, the attitude of "Yeah I did it... What you gonna do about it?!!" is hardly the moral high ground. Bill Clinton disgraced the oval office with a blow job... and he was fired for his mistake. When your fuck up includes causing thousands of deaths, maybe jail time for manslaughter might be appropriate in addition to being shit canned.

by Decius at 3:55 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

terratogen wrote:
Bill Clinton disgraced the oval office with a blow job... and he was fired for his mistake.

Bill Clinton wasn't fired.

by Shannon at 4:08 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

Decius wrote:

terratogen wrote:
Bill Clinton disgraced the oval office with a blow job... and he was fired for his mistake.

Bill Clinton wasn't fired.

Contrary to a popular public misconception, Clinton was successfully impeached (that is, the House did successfully send him to be tried by the Senate). He was not, however, successfully convicted of any of the charges (which is why he was not removed from office), nor was he given any penalty (beyond the censure of the House of Representatives).

Yep, you're right.

by Jamie at 4:02 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

terratogen wrote:

ibenez wrote:

terratogen wrote:

ibenez wrote:

Bush: 'I take responsibility'


This guy always takes the moral high ground. Impressive.

Taking responsibility would require him to make up for the damage he's responsible for. If that is not possible, he should resign.

Sure. The fact of the matter is that he is openly claming responsibility for the (lack of) federal response. That is impressive. Show me ONE democrat who has ever done that.. .

Oh wait.. that's right, BJ Clinton accepted responsibility for lying under oath and cheating on his wife and disgracing the oval office.

There's a difference between admitting guilt and doing something about it. Saying "Yeah, it was me" would only be an honorable thing to say if you would also accept responsibility and took what ever repercussions you deserve for your mistakes. Otherwise, the attitude of "Yeah I did it... What you gonna do about it?!!" is hardly the moral high ground. Bill Clinton disgraced the oval office with a blow job... and he was fired for his mistake. When your fuck up includes causing thousands of deaths, maybe jail time for manslaughter might be appropriate in addition to being shit canned.

Face it, a conservative, espcially Bush can do NO right in your eyes.

First let's put BJ Clinton in jail for lying to a judge, then I'll consider Bush.

by Shannon at 4:15 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

ibenez wrote:

Bush: 'I take responsibility'

There's a difference between admitting guilt and doing something about it. Saying "Yeah, it was me" would only be an honorable thing to say if you would also accept responsibility and took what ever repercussions you deserve for your mistakes. Otherwise, the attitude of "Yeah I did it... What you gonna do about it?!!" is hardly the moral high ground. Bill Clinton disgraced the oval office with a blow job... and he was fired for his mistake. When your fuck up includes causing thousands of deaths, maybe jail time for manslaughter might be appropriate in addition to being shit canned.

Face it, a conservative, espcially Bush can do NO right in your eyes.

First let's put BJ Clinton in jail for lying to a judge, then I'll consider Bush.

What "right" has he done here exactly? If I ran over your foot, and admitted that it was me who did it, would that make you feel any better? In what way has he taken responsibility? Perhaps my eyes missed him accepting repercussions of any kind.

by Elonka at 3:48 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

ibenez wrote:

Bush: 'I take responsibility'


This guy always takes the moral high ground. Impressive.

Um, this just linked to the homepage. Can you please be more specific about which article you're referring to? Thanks. :)

by Jamie at 4:01 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2005

Elonka wrote:

ibenez wrote:

Bush: 'I take responsibility'


This guy always takes the moral high ground. Impressive.

Um, this just linked to the homepage. Can you please be more specific about which article you're referring to? Thanks. :)

Yes sorry. - DOGS ARE DYING IN IRAQ!!!
by Rattle at 4:13 pm EST, Feb 12, 2009

The shotgun blast rips into the stray dog's midsection, sending it tumbling over and over. Agonizing yelps echo through the streets as it tries to reach and bite at the gaping wound. Minutes later, the dog is dead. Authorities have been killing the dogs since November, trying to prevent the spread of disease and attacks on residents.

This is the first headline story about Iraq I've seen on CNN in a long time... And it's about authorities shooting dogs.


by Lost at 4:22 pm EST, Feb 12, 2009

Rattle wrote:

The shotgun blast rips into the stray dog's midsection, sending it tumbling over and over. Agonizing yelps echo through the streets as it tries to reach and bite at the gaping wound. Minutes later, the dog is dead. Authorities have been killing the dogs since November, trying to prevent the spread of disease and attacks on residents.

This is the first headline story about Iraq I've seen on CNN in a long time... And it's about authorities shooting dogs.


Having been surrounded by a pack of feral dogs bent on eating me... I gotta say this is probably necessary, under the circumstances. Packs of feral dogs are mean like wolves.

by Rattle at 5:00 pm EST, Feb 12, 2009

Having been surrounded by a pack of feral dogs bent on eating me... I gotta say this is probably necessary, under the circumstances. Packs of feral dogs are mean like wolves.

Killing the dogs? Or making it a front-page story?

by Lost at 6:25 pm EST, Feb 12, 2009

Rattle wrote:

Having been surrounded by a pack of feral dogs bent on eating me... I gotta say this is probably necessary, under the circumstances. Packs of feral dogs are mean like wolves.

Killing the dogs? Or making it a front-page story?

The killing

by Rattle at 7:13 pm EST, Feb 12, 2009

Jello wrote:

Rattle wrote:

Having been surrounded by a pack of feral dogs bent on eating me... I gotta say this is probably necessary, under the circumstances. Packs of feral dogs are mean like wolves.

Killing the dogs? Or making it a front-page story?

The killing

I was caught up on the fact it was front-page story. That seemed, well, a bit disconnected from the reality of the world..

by Lost at 11:16 pm EST, Feb 13, 2009

Rattle wrote:

Jello wrote:

Rattle wrote:

Having been surrounded by a pack of feral dogs bent on eating me... I gotta say this is probably necessary, under the circumstances. Packs of feral dogs are mean like wolves.

Killing the dogs? Or making it a front-page story?

The killing

I was caught up on the fact it was front-page story. That seemed, well, a bit disconnected from the reality of the world..

I learned something about myself, and about people, from lepers in India. After 4 months the lepers didn't bother me. I gave them money or food regularly, but I got used to them limbless in the mud.

But the dogs eaten up with disease and no hair, or the puppies in traffic... I never got over those. I still feel guilty for not rescuing this one puppy in Bangalore.
by ryan is the supernicety at 4:12 pm EST, Dec 27, 2003

] The animal diagnosed with mad cow disease in Washington
] state may have entered the U.S. from the Canada in 2001
] with 73 other cows, an official with the U.S. Department
] of Agriculture said Saturday.

I wasn't aware that it had been renamed "the Canada." huh. - News Alert Al Sharptopn will no longer campaign
by Acidus at 4:06 pm EST, Mar 15, 2004

] Al Sharpton says he will no longer campaign for
] Democratic presidential nomination but will continue to
] collect delegates. Details soon.


The world stopped caring several months ago

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