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RE: Lions: Africa's Magnificent Predators | By Nathan Myhrvold


RE: Lions: Africa's Magnificent Predators | By Nathan Myhrvold
by Catonic at 1:36 pm EDT, Aug 27, 2007

Hijexx wrote:

possibly noteworthy wrote:

Even a buffalo separated from the herd has reasonable chances. At one point we saw a lone bull that was trying to get back to the herd, which was about a half mile away. In between him and the herd were four lionesses, sacked out asleep. This looked like the perfect opportunity for a kill, but the buffalo surprised both us and the lions. He crept up on the sleeping lions, then when he got close he lowered his horns and charged. The lions awoke, panicked and scattered into the bushes. The buffalo then trotted victorious back to the pride. It was a perfect illustration of the adage that the best defense is a good offense.

This essay carries the following warning at

WARNING: some of the photos are a bit gory, and one shows explicit lion sex.

See also the latest research on fight-or-flight, using fMRI on video-game-playing humans.

You may also be interested in Wildebeest vs. wild dogs.

This was pretty humorous, the discussion about what part of the anatomy a lion will start ripping into first:

I was describing this to a friend over lunch in Palo Alto. As I was describing this the waiter came up behind me to take our order. I was in the middle of saying "it's very hard to enter the rectum, but once you do things move much faster", only to hear the waiter gasp. Whoops. I tried to explain saying "well, this is about" but with a horrified look he said "I do NOT want to know what this is about! Some people are just not interested in natural history, I guess.

Jelly, or syrup? I prefer syrup...

RE: Lions: Africa's Magnificent Predators | By Nathan Myhrvold

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