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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Junk Hacked... FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker.... You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Junk Hacked... FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker...
by Rattle at 8:07 pm EDT, Sep 17, 2007

NSA@home is a fast FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker. It is capable of searching the full 8-character keyspace (from a 64-character set) in about a day in the current configuration for 800 hashes concurrently, using about 240W of power. This performance is equivalent to over 1500 Athlon FX-60 CPUs, which would take about 250kW.

So much for Decius's and Dan's project...

RE: Junk Hacked... FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker...
by Decius at 2:05 am EDT, Sep 18, 2007

Rattle wrote:

NSA@home is a fast FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker. It is capable of searching the full 8-character keyspace (from a 64-character set) in about a day in the current configuration for 800 hashes concurrently, using about 240W of power. This performance is equivalent to over 1500 Athlon FX-60 CPUs, which would take about 250kW.

So much for Decius's and Dan's project...

I dunno if you are joking but this is not the same thing as our project.

Junk Hacked... FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker...
by unmanaged at 6:29 pm EDT, Sep 17, 2007

NSA@home is a fast FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker. It is capable of searching the full 8-character keyspace (from a 64-character set) in about a day in the current configuration for 800 hashes concurrently, using about 240W of power. This performance is equivalent to over 1500 Athlon FX-60 CPUs, which would take about 250kW.

Kick ass! and look at the hit map he has too...


Junk Hacked... FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker...
by Decius at 2:14 am EDT, Sep 18, 2007

NSA@home is a fast FPGA-based SHA-1 and MD5 bruteforce cracker. It is capable of searching the full 8-character keyspace (from a 64-character set) in about a day in the current configuration for 800 hashes concurrently, using about 240W of power. This performance is equivalent to over 1500 Athlon FX-60 CPUs, which would take about 250kW.

This is a really cool project, and this website has an excellent graphical replacement for the "hit counter." Definately check this out. I will be speaking at Phreaknic about an idea Dan Moniz had for building a distributed computer on the internet with FPGAs. I think this is a concept which has a lot of potential, and projects like this hash cracker are just the tip of the iceberg.

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