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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Beale, soluce of paper n°1. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Beale, soluce of paper n°1
by Chabrery at 5:38 am EDT, Oct 26, 2007

Solution of the paper n°1 of Beale.
In the paper n°1, take the number that is on the left then on the right of 1701, 1629, 2018 … We have now :
38 1701 89
83 1629 48
126 2018 40
812 2160-1780 99
1164 1496-1817 51
612 1431 90
1300 1706 814
814 2906 654

Search in the Declaration of Independence the 38th word, the 89th, the 83th … We find :

S.tation 1701 E.ndowed 1629 GOD
T.he 2018 W.hich
A.way 2160-1780 TH.ese
F.riends 1496-1817 A
E.rected 1431 B.y
A 1706 C.harters
C.harters 2906 R.ender

Vertically, we can read on the left :
Vertically, we can read on the right :
E (for East) GOD W (for West) THAB(C)R

Near Santa Fe there is the mount Thabor.
In the Bible, Thabor is the mount where takes place the Transfiguration of the Christ.
Matthew 17-1,2 :
« Six days later….and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun,…”
Go to Santa Fe, then climb up the mount Thabor. In the deciphering, GOD is between East and West, when sun is at the top in the sky.
For Beale that moment is a remake of the Transfiguration.
Emmanuel Chabrery.

RE: Beale, soluce of paper n°1
by Decius at 2:10 pm EDT, Oct 31, 2007

Chabrery wrote:
Near Santa Fe there is the mount Thabor.

I thought Google Maps Satellite feature might help us look at the area, but I can't find references in Google to a Mount Thabor near Santa Fe. Do you know where it is?

RE: Beale, soluce of paper n°1
by Chabrery at 5:26 am EST, Nov 4, 2007

Hello Decius,
-In Matthew 17-1 : «…John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. »
Near Santa Fe, the highest peak, is Baldy. And we are in the ‘Sangre de Cristo Mountains’.
In my solution, we have Santa Fe at left, and Thabor at right. It is the same when we look at a map.
-Another thing…A man died the 1538 Feb 26, in a village at east of Santa Fe, his name: Worp Van Thabor., Frisian abbott of Thabor.
-I presente a solution of Beale, but I don’t know if it is good. And I don’t know too, if an another person found the same result.
--E. Chabrery

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