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RE: Reading habits dropping


RE: Reading habits dropping
by k at 1:23 pm EST, Dec 4, 2007

Acidus wrote:

k wrote:

Acidus wrote:
I interview a lot of people and I always ask interview candidates what was the last book they've read. I've never recommended to hire anyone who didn't have a good answer to that question. Thats not because that question is a deal breaker, its just that people who don't have a good answer to that question pretty much also fail to our technical questions.

Just out of curiosity, what're your criteria for a good answer?

"The last book I read was [book title] about [some amount of time less than 6 months] ago."

The "best" answer I ever got was "MacBeth" and I asked "oh, you like plays" and they said "not really, I had to read it for English class." Yes, this late 20s guy hadn't read a book since he was in high school. He also didn't know the difference between IP and TCP. I cut the interview off after 15 minutes.

Ugh. That's weak. I certainly don't expect everyone to have the time or inclination to read like I do, but I *really* don't get absolute non-readers.

RE: Reading habits dropping

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