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RE: The Boomers Had Their Day. Make Way for the Millennials. -


RE: The Boomers Had Their Day. Make Way for the Millennials. -
by Lost at 8:49 pm EST, Feb 4, 2008

ubernoir wrote:

Decius wrote:

My own generation is almost completely ignored by this article, other than the typical mention of our cynicism and alienation. One suspects that is because we're of little political utility as a group to the Democrats, mostly for demographic reasons, but also because we're more likely than the younger ones to vote for a Republican...

what i was more thinking was that your attitude to the current state of the system is more typical of this supposed new generation -- thus you might be seen as ahead of the curve -- you are totally alienated by idealogy, civic minded and desire a center consensus and oppose the partisan politics of the establishment (or so I gather -- apologies if that is a bit general and/or inaccurate)

The article combined civvies and reactive generation types for convenience's sake, it seems.

RE: The Boomers Had Their Day. Make Way for the Millennials. -

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