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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Iraq Belongs on the Back Burner. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Iraq Belongs on the Back Burner
by Rattle at 5:42 am EST, Jan 1, 2003

] In foreign affairs, Washington is chronically
] unable to deal with more than one crisis at a
] time. As deputy secretary of state in the Carter
] administration, I helped to negotiate the
] release of 52 Americans held hostage in the
] United States Embassy in Iran. I recall how this
] relatively confined crisis submerged all other
] issues for 14 months, including the Soviet
] invasion of Afghanistan. Similarly, in the early
] years of the Clinton administration, our
] concentration on Bosnia and Haiti may have drawn
] our attention away from the killings in Rwanda.

] While Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld may be
] right in saying that our military can fight two
] wars at the same time, my experience tells me
] that we cannot mount a war against Iraq and
] still maintain the necessary policy focus on
] North Korea and international terrorism. Anyone
] who has worked at the highest levels of our
] government knows how difficult it is to engage
] the attention of the White House on anything
] other than the issue of the day. For example,
] the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — a major
] crisis by any standard — now seems to be
] handled largely by an assistant secretary of
] state. Likewise, Afghanistan, which is at risk
] again of becoming a haven for terrorists, seems
] to be getting less attention than it deserves.

Warren Christopher, former Secretary of State, thinks we should be giving North Korea more attention then Iraq.

Iraq Belongs on the Back Burner
by Decius at 1:22 pm EST, Jan 1, 2003

] "North Korea's startling revival of its nuclear program,
] coupled with the unrelenting threat of international
] terrorism, presents compelling reasons for President Bush
] to step back from his fixation on attacking Iraq and to
] reassess his administration's priorities."

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