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RE: Settlement Over Sex Scenes in Grand Theft Auto Hits a Snag - Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog


RE: Settlement Over Sex Scenes in Grand Theft Auto Hits a Snag - Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog
by Decius at 2:20 pm EDT, Aug 1, 2008

janelane wrote:

The civil lawsuit was filed after the disclosure of the sex scenes in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, released in 2004. The existence of the scenes, accessible to knowledgeable players using third-party software, drew fierce condemnation from lawmakers and sparked a frenzy online. The suit accused the game’s makers of defrauding buyers by failing to disclose the scenes.

"Wag of my finger" to the designers for putting in the sex scenes, and another "wag" to the purchasers for not expecting the absolute worse that the designers could dish out.

-janelane, all my games are rated T

I really don't understand what the problem is. First, you had to modify the software of the game to get access to these "sex scenes." They were not part of the game and not easy to access. Second, the consisted of fully clothed sprites bumping and grinding. I don't understand why this is more offensive than the rest of the game. The idea that viewing this would be somehow harmful to teenagers is completely nonsensical.

I hate puritanical Americans and crooked lawyers.

RE: Settlement Over Sex Scenes in Grand Theft Auto Hits a Snag - Bits - Technology - New York Times Blog

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