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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: BBC NEWS | Magazine | Turning the air blue. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Turning the air blue
by ubernoir at 12:00 pm EST, Nov 23, 2008

The odd expletive escapes most people's mouths in times of stress, but when we fall back on swear words just for effect have we really just run out of ideas, asks Clive James.

a plea for not puritanism but a little quality language
I regard Gordon Ramsey and his incessant swearing as the worst sort of bully
an essay about shock value, its diminishing returns and a plea for a wider range of registers, subtlety and nuance
I swear and I am no puritan but I love language and ideas and would contrast Oscar Wilde's wit and cutting remarks that still bring a smile, using language as a rapier, with Gordan Ramsey's blitzkreig storm signifying nothing, not adding to the world, just adding to his own cult - he is "the expert" and that somehow legitimates his behaviour - he (and Simon Cowell) are Emperors with no clothes. (I got off the subject but nevermind - a little rant)

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