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RE: CodeTek Studios - VirtualDesktop for Mac OSX


RE: CodeTek Studios - VirtualDesktop for Mac OSX
by Dagmar at 2:56 am EDT, May 13, 2003

Rattle wrote:
] I'm also pissed they did away with window shading..
] Am I am the only one who _really_ likes these UI features? I
] completely understand why the *nixs ship with them turned off
] by default.. The desktop should be as simple and intutive as
] possible by default, and allow me to turn on additional
] super-powers as I feel necessary. Whats so hard about that?
] Do we really need to be chasing Microsoft in terms of UI? I
] mean, they suck, always have. Its a horrible desktop to
] navigate around in. The taskbar is the only thing I recall
] being a radical step forward for them, and it really has not
] evolved much since w95.. Its all been "next natural step"
] kinda innovation, all with very little regard for anyone other
] then the most low-level newbie user.. I can't find any reason
] why some of this stuff is not more common, other then the lack
] of it on MS, and everyone chasing MS. Stop chasing MS.. They
] are not leading in the right direction..

You forget that Apple spends a lot of money doing research to decide in advance how you should use their OS. If you don't like it, you've apparently just got to wait for them to slip a pod under your bed. Microsoft _says_ they are doing this same thing, but they're basically only spending a pittance on that and the rest on deciding how you can best pay for their OS.

Of course if you hadn't turned traitor on us this wouldn't be a problem. You could be using Metacity, which still has all these nice features.

Come back to the Penguin.

RE: CodeTek Studios - VirtualDesktop for Mac OSX

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