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MemeStreams Discussion


This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Easy = True. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Easy = True
by noteworthy at 8:03 am EST, Feb 16, 2010

Drake Bennett:

Invest in companies with names that are very easy to pronounce.

This would probably not strike you as a great idea. But, if recent research is to be believed, it might just be brilliant.

It turns out that people prefer things that are easy to think about to those that are hard.

Decius on Sarah Palin:

She is the slick corporate VP who is all image and no substance, and they love that about her because they have convinced themselves that if they do away with substance it will free them from the problems that substantial people attempt to address.


It's the sameness of the familiar that closes minds.

In West Virginia:

"You can't talk sense to them," Bush said, referring to terrorists.

"Nooooo!" the audience roared.

John Lanchester:

If I had to name one high-cultural notion that had died in my adult lifetime, it would be the idea that difficulty is artistically desirable.

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