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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The Observer | UK News | The vagina monoliths: Stonehenge was ancient sex symbol. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The Observer | UK News | The vagina monoliths: Stonehenge was ancient sex symbol
by Rattle at 6:59 pm EDT, Jul 7, 2003

] Some researchers have claimed the stone circles were
] used as a giant computer; others that Stonehenge was an
] observatory for studying stars and predicting the
] seasons; and a few have even argued that its rings acted
] as a docking pad for alien spaceships.
] Now a University of British Columbia researcher who has
] investigated the great prehistoric monument for several
] years has announced he has uncovered its true meaning:
] it is a giant fertility symbol, constructed in the shape
] of the female sexual organ.

] 'The archaeologist Jacquetta Hawkes once said that every
] age gets the Stonehenge it deserves,' added Miles. 'For
] example, in the 1960s, at the dawn of the computing era,
] researchers argued that you could use Stonehenge as a
] giant calculating machine.' Later, in the more mystical
] New Age, it was argued that the monument was really a
] spaceport for aliens, while, in the Middle Ages, it was
] said Stonehenge was built by giants. 'By those standards,
] this latest idea seems to say something quite odd about
] the twentyfirst century.'

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