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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Boing Boing | Verisign's SiteFinder hijacks your privacy as well as your typos. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Boing Boing | Verisign's SiteFinder hijacks your privacy as well as your typos
by Rattle at 1:00 am EDT, Sep 23, 2003

] Not only has Verisign betrayed their trust by hijacking
] all the .NET and .COM typos, they've also tossed out the
] privacy of every fumblefingered netizen by putting a
] web-bug on their SiteFinder page, so that anyone whose
] session is stolen by Verisign is thereafter marked with a
] tracker-cookie that is used to spy on you as you traverse
] the Web.
]] The query string of the URL contains the usual things
]] such as the Web page URL, the referring URL, browser
]] type, screen size, etc. This query string is built on the
]] fly by about 50 lines of JavaScript embedded in the
]] Verisign Web page.
] The Omniture server sets a cookie so that people can be
] watched over time to see what typos they are making.
] Link (via Dan Gillmor)

I was bitching about this a week ago.

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