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MemeStreams Discussion


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by bucy at 1:38 pm EDT, Oct 10, 2003

] There has been quite a lot of activity in the Red Hat
] case.
] SCO filed a Motion to Dismiss the action in its entirety,
] as you know, and Red Hat filed its answering brief. But
] since we last reported on this case, Red Hat initiated
] discovery. They asked SCO for documents and for answers
] to some pointed questions. IBM is forcing SCO into a
] corner in Utah, and Red Hat is forcefully and
] aggressively trying to do the same in Delaware. You'll
] see, I think, that we haven't been wasting our time
] telling the world the details of this story. The big
] picture is that Red Hat is telling SCO to prove their
] allegations with specificity. They also want all their
] source code, and I'm sure you can figure out what they
] want to do with it, when I tell you that they asked for
] the complete Linux Kernel Personality source code, among
] the other products for which they have requested source
] code.

SCO updates from GrokLaw.

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