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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: White House Puts Limits on Queries From Democrats ( You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

White House Puts Limits on Queries From Democrats (
by logickal at 7:04 am EST, Nov 7, 2003

] The Bush White House, irritated by pesky questions from
] congressional Democrats about how the administration is
] using taxpayer money, has developed an efficient
] solution: It will not entertain any more questions from
] opposition lawmakers.
] The decision -- one that Democrats and scholars said is
] highly unusual -- was announced in an e-mail sent
] Wednesday to the staff of the House and Senate
] Appropriations Committees. House committee Democrats had
] just asked for information about how much the White House
] spent making and installing the "Mission Accomplished"
] banner for President Bush's May 1 speech aboard the USS
] Abraham Lincoln.

Further proof that the Bush administration is off its rocker... as if we needed any further proof.

White House Puts Limits on Queries From Democrats (
by k at 3:27 pm EST, Nov 7, 2003

] The Bush White House, irritated by pesky questions from
] congressional Democrats about how the administration is
] using taxpayer money, has developed an efficient
] solution: It will not entertain any more questions from
] opposition lawmakers.
] The decision -- one that Democrats and scholars said is
] highly unusual -- was announced in an e-mail sent
] Wednesday to the staff of the House and Senate
] Appropriations Committees. House committee Democrats had
] just asked for information about how much the White House
] spent making and installing the "Mission Accomplished"
] banner for President Bush's May 1 speech aboard the USS
] Abraham Lincoln.

Further proof that the Bush administration is off its rocker... as if we needed any further proof.

yeah, this is total BS.

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