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can i become the media but yet still hate it?


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"Wise men make proverbs and fools repeat them" --Samuel Palmer

How Will the Universe End? - A cosmic detective story about the demise of the world, in three parts. By Jim Holt
Topic: Science 11:33 am EST, Mar  5, 2004

] Why should we want the universe to last forever, anyway?
] Look—either the universe has a purpose or it doesn't.
] If it doesn't, then it is absurd. If it does have a
] purpose, then there are two possibilities: Either this
] purpose is eventually achieved, or it is never achieved.
] If it is never achieved, then the universe is futile. But
] if it is eventually achieved, then any further existence
] of the universe is pointless. So, no matter how you slice
] it, an eternal universe is either a) absurd, b) futile,
] or c) eventually pointless.

A really interesting article on Slate of all places on the end of the Universe. A lot of bizarre theories out there....

How Will the Universe End? - A cosmic detective story about the demise of the world, in three parts. By Jim Holt

Topic: Society 8:46 am EST, Mar  5, 2004

] Senate bill 500, sponsored by conservative Republicans
] and members of the Green Party and libertarians, would
] add printers to Georgia’s 26,000 computerized voting
] booths so that officials have the ability to review any
] election.
] "What Senate bill 500 does is say there ought to be a
] paper trail. There ought to be a ballot like we did
] before that is cast for every single individual, so that
] if there's a problem or a question there's a check," said
] state Senator Tom Price (R-Roswell).

Ryan -- we should find a way to support this...


Yahoo! News -
Topic: Arts 4:47 pm EST, Mar  4, 2004

] It's official: Stewie Griffin's plans for world domination
] shall continue!
] Stewie, the animated ankle-biter with the killer
] vocabulary and the endless string of plots to kill his
] mom and enslave the human race, will return in all-new
] episodes of Fox's cult hit cartoon Family Guy, the show's
] creator, Seth MacFarlane, confirms.
] Stewie, along with fellow Griffins Peter (the dad), Lois
] (the mom), sister Meg, brother Chris and gin-swilling
] family pooch Brian, is scheduled to hit the tube again in
] 2005--but exactly where channel surfers will spot the
] deliciously dysfunctional clan is still up in the air.

All I can say is woohoo! Fox's blundering on Family Guy back in 2002 was aweful. You would goto watch an all new Family Guy just to find baseball, football or some other special event. I am very happy to see them coming back.

Yahoo! News -

Topic: Science 12:19 pm EST, Mar  4, 2004

] 11:19 am
] soooo busy!
] Wow, NASA is sure keeping me busy these days. (OMG,
] "Fascination" as wake-up music? I wasn't even on the
] drawing board when that song was cool!) I didn't even
] have time to take a picture of the heat shield -- they
] just kept me going and going studying the walls and floor
] of that boring trench.
] But today I get to drive! Squee! And I get to go visit El
] Capitan and take lots of pictures. They said I might even
] get to collect some souvenirs later. Don't you think that
] El Capitan is a hot name? Stardust ... *sigh*
] (Well, actually I guess he's kinda cold what with being
] in the vaccuum of space and all... but ... *sigh*)
] Gotta roll!

hahaha..... an anthropomorphic blog for the opportunity rover on mars. this person is really dedicated to the joke.


Topic: Miscellaneous 9:51 am EST, Mar  4, 2004

] LA Times:
] I am a high school teacher and the daughter of
] Holocaust survivors. Monday morning, Period 1, a student,
] age 17, comes into my room. She asks me if I had seen the
] film "The Passion."
] I answer, "No."
] She continues, "It was so sad. I cried so much. I
] hate the Jews."
] Very, very sadly, that tells the whole story, Mr.
] Gibson.
] Anna Paikow
] Los Angeles



God Hates Shrimp
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:06 pm EST, Mar  3, 2004

] Shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, mussels, all these are an
] abomination before the Lord, just as gays are an
] abomination. Why stop at protesting gay marriage? Bring
] all of God's law unto the heathens and the sodomites.

[ Drawing attention to stupid fundamentalists is funny. -k]

God Hates Shrimp Technology | Technical problems reported in e-voting
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:06 pm EST, Mar  3, 2004

] A security issue also arose in Georgia.
] Georgia Tech student Peter Sahlstrom said he found 10
] Diebold terminals sitting unprotected in the lobby of the
] school's student center Monday. Sahlstrom, 22,
] photographed the machines in their unlocked cases.
] "Frankly, this makes me nervous and ... it validates a
] lot of the concerns I already had," Sahlstrom said in a
] phone interview.

[ Yeah... this is from *today*. Still no accountability. Still no audit trail. Still no concern for security of eVoting systems. If there's a compromise in november, the country's gonna go nuts. Sweet jesus help Kathy Cox if that shit goes down, because there are some people that're gonna wanna have a word with her, and every other moron whose given carte blanche to Diebold. -k] Technology | Technical problems reported in e-voting

RE: Aristide says U.S. deposed him in 'coup d'etat'
Topic: Current Events 2:04 pm EST, Mar  3, 2004

w1ld wrote:
] So all those Haitian rebels are on the CIA bankroll?
] Right.........
] Haitie is such a strategic country for the US to take over,
] you know.
] Im sure that North Korea is shaking in there boots right now
] at
] the coup d'etat that Bush pulled off in Haitie.

[ Um, nooo, all that's being said is that Aristide claims he was removed against his will. Do i see a lot of strategic reason for the U.S. to have done so? No, not really, but he said it, so it deserves some attention. It's not some left wing blogger that's making the claim.
That being said, Aristide is considered by U.S. conservatives to be quite the buddy of U.S. left-liberals, and of course, the evil Bill Clinton supported Aristide by sending troops to Haiti, so i imagine the current administration takes a dim view of him and his policies -- wether it's a dim enough view to forcibly remove the man, i guess we'll see.
Or, given the fickle media environment we've got, maybe we won't. Lord of the Rings won 11 oscars you know! Pay no attention to the monkey in the white house. -k]

RE: Aristide says U.S. deposed him in 'coup d'etat'

Eschaton: Bush/Cheney Slogan
Topic: Society 11:56 am EST, Feb 26, 2004

] Tbogg has some suggestions for Bush/Cheney '04 slogans.
] The official slogan (really horrible I think) is "Steady
] Leadership in Times of Change." I forget where I saw
] this, but someone around the 'net suggested the following
] alternative:
] Don't Switch Horsemen Mid-Apocalypse

Eschaton: Bush/Cheney Slogan

RE: Howard Stern Show Taken Off Clear Channel Stations
Topic: Society 10:33 am EST, Feb 26, 2004

inignoct wrote:
] ] "Clear Channel drew a line in the sand today with regard
] ] to protecting our listeners from indecent content and
] ] Howard Stern's show blew right through it," said John
] ] Hogan, president and CEO of Clear Channel Radio. "It was
] ] vulgar, offensive, and insulting, not just to women and
] ] African Americans but to anyone with a sense of common
] ] decency. We will not air Howard Stern on Clear Channel
] ] stations until we are assured that his show will conform
] ] to acceptable standards of responsible broadcasting,"
] ] Hogan said.
] [ It just did that NOW?!?!? Bullshit. Clearchannel has been
] raking in money via Howard Stern's obscenity for YEARS and
] loved every second of it. What's changed? Is this legit or
] should I fire up the Rove-meter? Did Stern make one too many
] orgasm sounds on the radio or did he give props to the Dems?
] Too many strippers and porn stars or too much W. bashing? Did
] he oppose the Hate Amendment?
] My inner conspiracy theory machine is mild and set low, but
] this set off some warning bells... i'm calling shenanigans.
] -k]

RYAN: I'll tell you why yesterday. The CEO of ClearChannel is speaking to Congress today on the subject of indecency in media. This is so he can take the moral high road and say, "Look, I did this, don't fine me," while in reality, he created Stern.

RE: Howard Stern Show Taken Off Clear Channel Stations

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