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"Win if you can, lose if you must, but always, always cheat."

A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how we get there.
Topic: Technology 9:52 pm EDT, Oct 17, 2006

A long time ago, in a network, far far away, a great adventure took

Out of the chaos of new ideas for communication, the experiments, the
tentative designs, and crucible of testing, there emerged a
cornucopia of networks. Beginning with the ARPANET, an endless
stream of networks evolved, and ultimately were interlinked to become
the Internet. Someone had to keep track of all the protocols, the
identifiers, networks and addresses and ultimately the names of all
the things in the networked universe. And someone had to keep track
of all the information that erupted with volcanic force from the
intensity of the debates and discussions and endless invention that
has continued unabated for 30 years. That someone was Jonathan B.
Postel, our Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, friend, engineer,
confidant, leader, icon, and now, first of the giants to depart from
our midst. - Vince Cert

A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how we get there.

Otakus Upskirt To Hunt Witches
Topic: Technology 11:55 pm EDT, Oct 16, 2006

"The clever/totally screwed-up otaku behind the game have decided that using the touchscreen on the DS to fondle women (dressed as schoolgirls, naturally) is by far the best way to determine if they're witches. Errr." - Gizmodo

Otakus Upskirt To Hunt Witches

Tucker Carlson Slightly Less Useless Than A Garden Shovel
Topic: Current Events 11:50 pm EDT, Oct 16, 2006

"It goes deeper than that though. The deep truth is that the elites in the Republican Party have pure contempt for the evangelicals who put their party in power. Everybody in ..." - Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson Slightly Less Useless Than A Garden Shovel

My Hero Diacetylmorphine
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:25 pm EDT, Oct 10, 2006

Unanticipated effects of poor policy and overreaction.

"In the aftermath of the Civil War a savage drug addiction ran rampant among wounded veterans who had received a powerful medication in field hospitals; so the urban legend goes anyway. But in 1874 a British chemist was hard at work on a new substance that would rescue victims from the curse of soldiers disease, AKA morphine addiction." - DarkSyde of Daily Kos

My Hero Diacetylmorphine

Find out if you're paying too much for rent
Topic: Local Information 10:27 am EDT, Oct 10, 2006

"Web site Rentometer mashes up with Google Maps to give you a price comparison for your rental relative to those in your area." - Lifehacker

Find out if you're paying too much for rent

Governing Well Is the Best Revenge
Topic: Current Events 7:14 pm EDT, Oct  9, 2006

" Every citizen needs to understand and accept the essence of the American bargain: Each of us has to do his or her part. While the rights of citizenship are explicit in our Constitution, the implicit responsibilities are every bit as crucial. For our radical experiment in freedom to work, we must prize responsibilities as well as rights, and never presume to do for people what they can do for themselves." - Rahm Emanuel & Bruce Reed

Governing Well Is the Best Revenge

Power Surge: The Constitutional Record of George W. Bush
Topic: Current Events 9:05 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2006

"With five years of the Bush administration behind us, we have more than enough evidence to make an assessment about the president's commitment to our fundamental legal charter

Unfortunately, far from defending the Constitution, President Bush has repeatedly sought to strip out the limits the document places on federal power." - Cato Institute

Power Surge: The Constitutional Record of George W. Bush

How to Be a Half-Decent Democrat
Topic: Current Events 8:58 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2006

"Assuming the Dems' next nominee won't be a self-described libertarian, what can he (*) do to make himself attractive to libertarian voters?

The short answer -- and this applies to Republican candidates too -- is: (a) Don't be as bad as the other guy, and (b) Be actively good on at least one important issue." - Jesse Walker of Reason

How to Be a Half-Decent Democrat

Goldwater Democrats?
Topic: Current Events 8:37 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2006

"I have never thought of myself as a Democrat or left-liberal in any way. And there are plenty of people among Democrats I do not agree with at all. But it's getting to the point that the illiberal, authoritarian big government Christianism of the GOP makes me completely supportive of backing the Democrats this time around. My one reservation is, of course, spending. But at this point, could they be worse than the GOP? No Congress has been worse on spending than the current crew since FDR! The war? Again, at this point, we desperately need some check on an administration utterly without prudence or a capacity for self-correction." - Andrew Sullivan

Goldwater Democrats?

The Case for the Libertarian Democrat
Topic: Current Events 8:36 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2006

"It was my fealty to the notion of personal liberty that made me a Republican when I came of age in the 1980s. It is my continued fealty to personal liberty that makes me a Democrat today." - Markos Moulistas

The Case for the Libertarian Democrat

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