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RE: The Trentonian | Ocean County teens get bored, resort to killing exotic birds


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RE: The Trentonian | Ocean County teens get bored, resort to killing exotic birds
Topic: Local Information 8:14 am EDT, May 29, 2003

Rattle wrote:
] ] Three teens with a "morbid sense of entertainment" have
] ] been charged with killing eight exotic birds at a zoo for
] ] abused animals, authorities said yesterday.
] ]
] ] The slayings capped a violent night of revelry that began
] ] with an attack on a duck at a county park, continued with
] ] an arson-and-graffiti spree at a paintball facility and
] ] included vandalism at a church, where $5,000 worth of
] ] stained-glass windows were shattered.
] ]
] ] The three spray-painted swastikas and defaced a "God
] ] bless America" inscription at the paintball complex,
] ] replacing "God" with "Satan," authorities said.
] ] The birds were found dead in their pens Monday morning.
] ] One duck’s eye was gouged out; the emus had their
] ] windpipes crushed and jugular veins slashed, in addition
] ] to being beaten on the heads.
] ]
] ] "They suffered immensely,’’ said veterinarian Sherry
] Podhayny.
] I hate this town. This is typical of the people in this town.
] Fuck this town.

How about this one?,21133,743552,00.html
A 10-year old and a 12-year old are being charged with the cemetary vandalism. This shit simply DID NOT HAPPEN when we were kids! Can you imagine if we DID do this shit? We would no longer be ALIVE, our parents would have killed us.
I feel very strongly that I am not capable of raising children in this current world. And even if I was, Ocean County is not the place to do it. I never heard such horrible things in the APP as I have the past week or two. The 10-12 year olds' parents ought to be hung, and the bird-killers' parents ought to be shot alongside their children. I don't care how old you are, if you were raised correctly, you don't DO this stuff.

RE: The Trentonian | Ocean County teens get bored, resort to killing exotic birds

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