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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Time Machine - Discover Magazine - science news articles online technology magazine articles Time Machine
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:43 pm EDT, Oct 19, 2005

The gleaming device I am staring at in the corner of
a machine shop in San Rafael, California, is the most audacious machine ever built. It is a clock, but it is designed to do something no clock has ever been conceived to do—run with perfect accuracy for 10,000 years.

As someone obsessed with clocks I must see this when it's done.

Time Machine - Discover Magazine - science news articles online technology magazine articles Time Machine

Fractal Food
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:04 am EDT, Oct 19, 2005

Nearly exact self-similar fractal forms occur do in nature, but I'd never seen such a beautiful and perfect example until, some time after moving to Switzerland, I came across a chou Romanesco like the one above in a grocery store. This is so visually stunning an object that on first encounter it's hard to imagine you're looking at a garden vegetable rather than an alien artefact created with molecular nanotechnology.

Coolest vegetable ever.

Fractal Food

Bergen Linux User Group
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:59 pm EDT, Oct 14, 2005

11 years ago, April 1st 1990, rfc 1149 was written. This rfc specifies a protocol for IP over avian carriers, CPIP (carrier pigeon internet protocol). In 11 years, noone has bothered to implement this important protocol stack. But happily, we don't need to wait any longer! BLUG in cooperation with Vesta Brevdueforening has given you rfc 1149 support for Linux.

The BLUG implements rfc 1149.

Bergen Linux User Group

Supreme Court Justice or crazy man from Six Flags Commercials?
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:27 pm EDT, Oct  3, 2005

We report, you decide...

Supreme Court Justice or crazy man from Six Flags Commercials?

The Observer | International | Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:15 am EDT, Sep 26, 2005

It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.

I want to believe.

The Observer | International | Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina

American Samizdat: Rebel Scum Since 2001
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:12 am EDT, Sep 26, 2005

It seems that not enough people know the truth about the Suicide Girls and still think it's some sort of hip, progressive, women owned and operated porn company.

American Samizdat: Rebel Scum Since 2001

R Todd King: China Photos 2005 - Harbin Winter
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:36 pm EDT, Sep 19, 2005

In Canada there are snow festivals in the winter in which people make elaborate scupltures out of ice and snow. Nothing I recall seeing up there in the early 80s came remotely close to this. It might be that technology has improved in the past 20 years. It might be that the Chinese are simply taking this a lot more seriously. In any event, the results are simply amazing. Massive functional buildings made entirely of ice and filled with lights!

R Todd King: China Photos 2005 - Harbin Winter

Turn Your Hamster into a Fighting Machine
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:23 am EDT, Sep 19, 2005

leaving to go buy hamster...

Getting started, you'll need:
- A hampster
- Tape
- A knife


Turn Your Hamster into a Fighting Machine

Microsoft guide to l33t speak.
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:41 pm EDT, Sep  5, 2005

] While it's important to respect your children's privacy,
] understanding what your teenager's online slang means and
] how to decipher it is important as you help guide their
] online experience. While it has many nicknames,
] information-age slang is commonly referred to as
] leetspeek, or leet for short.


Best quote:

] It's important to remember that the leetspeek community
] encourages new forms and awards individual creativity,
] resulting in a dynamic written language that eludes
] conformity or consistency.

Microsoft at their most transparently self serving:

] Their use could be an indicator that your teenager is
] involved in the theft of intellectual property, particularly
] licensed software.


Microsoft guide to l33t speak. - Tokyo purse snatcher gets nailed
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:34 pm EDT, Sep  5, 2005

OK, I usually don't succumb to memeing those silly internet videos that people send around, but this is absolutely hillarious. Self defense courses for women in Tokyo must be hard core. - Tokyo purse snatcher gets nailed

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