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RE: | National Hockey League New Logo | Sports and Entertainment | brands | brand | branding news


RE: | National Hockey League New Logo | Sports and Entertainment | brands | brand | branding news
by flynn23 at 12:13 pm EST, Nov 5, 2006

Decius wrote:

It also loses the drab, retro, muddy orange, which long served as its main color, in favor of silver to connote the Stanley Cup, North American hockey’s ultimate badge of honor. Silver is a better color in general because it allows the shield to have a sheen, a kind of winking sparkle of glory.

What a bunch of bullshit. The old orange and black NHL logo has been with us for as long as I can recall and its fucking cool. This silver logo is the final nail in the coffin of my youth.

The NHL letters are now upward slanting, whereas with the old logo the NHL letters slanted down. This evokes a spirit of moving up, moving forward, and speeding ahead.

It evokes the spirit of lame. You think by ruining something that has been an icon for decades will make your stock price go up? Sorry, the logo isn't going to have an iota of impact on the success or failure of hockey. Try lowering ticket prices. Seriously. If the stadium isn't packed you haven't found the right spot on the supply and demand curve. Give me my old logo back. Hockey is about orange and black. You might own hockey but you will never own our culture. We want our culture back.

Update Well, this is quite inarticulate, but I was very drunk when I wrote it. Having slept it off, I must say, I agree with the sentiment if I think I could have written it better.

2004 called. It wants it's rant back. =)

RE: | National Hockey League New Logo | Sports and Entertainment | brands | brand | branding news

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