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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Seventh Annual Weblog Awards. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Seventh Annual Weblog Awards
by noteworthy at 9:22 pm EST, Jan 25, 2007

Remember earlier this month, when you nominated MemeStreams for the Bloggies?

Well, apparently there weren't enough of you.

The nominees for the 2007 Bloggies have been announced, and MemeStreams is not on any of the lists. Better luck next year!

Anyway, be sure to go cast your votes before Friday, February 2.

The nominees for best community weblog are:

Overheard in New York

Oh, I could really get to liking this one. Whereas PostSecret is more introspective, "Overheard" seems more existential.

Update: "Overheard" is just plain classic.

Oh No They Didn't!

This is just a celebrity gossip LiveJournal. What's the big deal?

And these last three you probably already know:


The nominees for Best-Kept Secret Weblog are:

Fat Cyclist

About Fat Cyclist, new MemeStreams user Barry1021 wrote:

As with many successful blogs, Fatty has A) great insight into cycling and life, and B) tremendous talent as a writer and humorist. For those reasons he has attracted a wide following around the world and is actually most deserving of fame and success.

This next one is your standard-fare celebrity gossip blog. Blah.

The Gilded Moose

This next one is an interesting idea -- general interest news-tracking blog, told from the point of view of the author's dog. I can't imagine actually reading this blog.

Woof Woofington

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman

'Confessions' is the personal blog/photoblog of a "thirty-something ranch wife, mother of four, and moderately-agoraphobic middle child who ..." It's modestly compelling in a simple, everyday kind of way.

To Whom It May Concern

Clever concept, but only mildly amusing in practice.

RE: Seventh Annual Weblog Awards
by Decius at 1:30 am EST, Jan 26, 2007

noteworthy wrote:
This next one is an interesting idea -- general interest news-tracking blog, told from the point of view of the author's dog. I can't imagine actually reading this blog.

You're serious? We lost to a fucking talking dog?! What the hell is the matter with these people?

Update: Well this page is certainly getting a lot of traffic now that the Fat Cyclist took Noteworthy's quick judgement of his blog personally. I don't think he actually intended to imply that the guy that runs Fat Cyclist is stupid. He just didn't get the point of a blog about loosing 15 pounds over the course of two years. The Cyclist's defenders have pointed out that first impressions can be misleading. I guess the first impression you'd get of us upon seeing this thead is that we're a bunch of jerks. Thats probably true, but in the interest of avoiding further confusion I'd like to clarify that the above remark was intended to be sarcastic. I can see how it could be taken the wrong way.

Sheesh... I certainly hope Alberto Gonzales doesn't take everything we say about him personally. I suspect he'd have our phones tapped!

RE: Seventh Annual Weblog Awards
by barry1021 at 9:04 pm EST, Jan 27, 2007

noteworthy wrote:
Remember earlier this month, when you nominated MemeStreams for the Bloggies?

Well, apparently there weren't enough of you.

The nominees for the 2007 Bloggies have been announced, and MemeStreams is not on any of the lists. Better luck next year!

Anyway, be sure to go cast your votes before Friday, February 2.

The nominees for best community weblog are:

Overheard in New York

Oh, I could really get to liking this one. Whereas PostSecret is more introspective, "Overheard" seems more existential.

Update: "Overheard" is just plain classic.

Oh No They Didn't!

This is just a celebrity gossip LiveJournal. What's the big deal?

And these last three you probably already know:


The nominees for Best-Kept Secret Weblog are:

Fat Cyclist

This Fat Cyclist site is stupid. Two years ago, at the start of this blog, the guy is 5'8" and 188 lbs. Now he is down to 173. His blog has huge gaps in coverage; for nine months at a stretch, there are no posts.

This next one is your standard-fare celebrity gossip blog. Blah.

The Gilded Moose

This next one is an interesting idea -- general interest news-tracking blog, told from the point of view of the author's dog. I can't imagine actually reading this blog.

Woof Woofington

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman

'Confessions' is the personal blog/photoblog of a "thirty-something ranch wife, mother of four, and moderately-agoraphobic middle child who ..." It's modestly compelling in a simple, everyday kind of way.

To Whom It May Concern

Clever concept, but only mildly amusing in practice.

Well I joined to write one post and then I will disappear. I simply must respond to your comment that the Fat Cyclist site is stupid. The only thing that is stupid around here is your stupid comment. If you are going to go off on someone's blog, I would seriously advise you to know what the hell you are talking about, or run the risk of demonstrating to the world that indeed your IQ is slightly below your hat size. While it is true that Fat Cyclist started the blog ostensibly as an incentive to lose weight, the wild popularity of the blog has moved it way beyond that (FYI there is a weight loss contest going on at the blog now and almost 70 people are involved).
As with many successful blogs, Fatty has A) great insight into cycling and life, and B) tremendous talent as a writer and humorist.
For those reasons he has attracted a wide following around the world and is actually most deserving of fame and success. And wrong again on the gaps in blogging; he recently moved the blog from a different site and is moving older articles over; there has been no interruption in blogging at all--DESPITE that he recently moved from the West coast to Utah and took a new job.
So best wishes, and if there is a Sour grapes award, I will be sure to cast my vote over here.


RE: Seventh Annual Weblog Awards
by noteworthy at 1:21 pm EST, Jan 28, 2007

barry1021 wrote:

Well I joined to write one post and then I will disappear.

Thanks for taking the time to join and reply. I appreciate the feedback. There's probably no chance you'll change your mind about disappearing, but you're welcome to stay. The registration process tends to inhibit a lot of potential feedback from readers, so it's nice when someone makes the extra effort.

I simply must respond to your comment that the Fat Cyclist site is stupid. The only thing that is stupid around here is your stupid comment.

Point taken. My first impression was what it was, but it was rash to pass summary judgment on that basis.

If the blog were truly "wildly popular", then perhaps it's not the best choice for "best kept secret" blog, but nonetheless it garnered enough votes to earn a nomination, and so I suppose it deserves congratulations in that regard, at least. It is more than can be said for MemeStreams this year.

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