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RE: What Else Was Lost In Translation


RE: What Else Was Lost In Translation
by Jeremy at 2:42 pm EDT, Sep 21, 2003

Decius wrote:
] I saw an ad for this last night. I'm not sure if its going
] to be a great film, (looks like a romantic comedy) but the
] footage of Tokyo looks really nice. It might be worth watching
] simply as a way to experience a little of Japan.

I saw it a week ago and liked it very much. It may not end up
in the canon of Great Film, but it's not clear that was really
the type of film she was trying to make.

It is lightly romantic, and it is funny, but I would not think
of it as a standard-issue romantic comedy.

You are right that the film is worth watching just for Tokyo,
but the acting is also very much worth seeing.

RE: What Else Was Lost In Translation

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