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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Study: Male sweat brightens women's moods
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:46 am EST, Mar 17, 2003

] In a study to be published in the journal Biology of
] Reproduction, researchers collected samples from the
] underarms of men who refrained from using deodorant for
] four weeks. The extracts were then blended and applied to
] the upper lips of 18 women, aged 25 to 45.
] The women rated their moods on a fixed scale for a period
] of six hours. The findings suggested something in the
] perspiration brightened their moods and helped them feel
] less tense. Blood analyses also showed a rise in levels
] of the reproductive luteinizing hormone that typically
] surge before ovulation.

Study: Male sweat brightens women's moods

Kurdish ally of Saddam Hussein regime defects
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:43 am EST, Mar 17, 2003

] Saddam Hussein's most important Kurdish ally has
] defected to Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq in what
] officials here say is an indication that the Iraqi
] president's internal support is beginning to
] crumble.

Kurdish ally of Saddam Hussein regime defects

The final frontier: Klingon Karaoke . . . to boldly go where no singer has gone before
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:36 am EST, Mar 17, 2003

] It's just another Thursday night at Bodacious Classics, a
] dance club in Southeast Portland.
] A couple of Imperial storm troopers are chatting with a
] galactic bounty hunter and a Jedi knight. Waitresses in
] Federation Starfleet uniforms take drink orders. Five
] Klingon warriors are mixing with the crowd.
] Then, suddenly, the roughest, toughest Klingon in the
] room lets loose.
] "qqqqab,HomDaq jIqab!"
] To Earthlings, that translates roughly as "B-B-B-B-Bad to
] the bone!"
] It's George Thorogood and the Destroyers, rendered in the
] mythical Klingon language created for "Star Trek" movies
] and TV shows.
] It's your weirdest dream: Klingon karaoke.

The final frontier: Klingon Karaoke . . . to boldly go where no singer has gone before

50 Years Melding Tech and Sounds
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:02 pm EST, Mar 16, 2003

] As a young girl, Pauline Oliveros was fascinated with the
] crackly sound of her grandfather's crystal radio and the
] whistles and pops of her father's shortwave.

one of avant garde music's constant pioneers.

50 Years Melding Tech and Sounds

ADULT PAPER DOLLS - Javascript - Not work safe
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:56 am EST, Mar 15, 2003

Unless you work in a sex toy shop, this is not safe for work.

ADULT PAPER DOLLS - Javascript - Not work safe

BBC NEWS | Africa | Latrine deaths over Kenyan cell phone
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:25 pm EST, Mar 14, 2003


Three men have died trying to retrieve a mobile phone from a pit latrine in the Kenyan town of Mombasa.

University student Dora Mwabela dropped the phone into the latrine while she was answering a call of nature, the Daily Nation newspaper reports.

She offered a reward of 1,000 shillings ($13) for anyone who could recover the phone, worth 6,000 shillings.

Most Kenyans survive on less than $1 a day.


"The fumes inside must be extremely poisonous considering the short time it was taking to disable the retrievers," he said.

The cell phone was not found.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Latrine deaths over Kenyan cell phone - File-sharing sites allow trading of porn - Mar. 14, 2003
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:28 pm EST, Mar 14, 2003

] The same technology used to download music from
] file-sharing sites makes it possible to trade
] pornography, tech experts testified at a Capitol Hill
] hearing Thursday.

Looks like someone's had their head up their ass. - File-sharing sites allow trading of porn - Mar. 14, 2003

Attendant is charged with drugging tot
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:35 am EST, Mar 14, 2003

] The apple juice was bitter. Foamy. Blue and white specks
] floated in it.
] So Beate Turner of Oakland County took the juice from her
] toddler, poured it into another container and carried it
] off the jet after Northwest Flight 47 landed at Detroit
] Metro Airport.
] That act resulted in criminal charges Thursday, with a
] former Northwest flight attendant accused of spiking a
] 19-month-old girl's juice to stop her crying during a
] flight.

Attendant is charged with drugging tot - Fast Forward - Can an Open-Source Database Threaten Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM?
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:08 am EST, Mar 14, 2003

] MySQL still lacks many features big customers want, but
] the software maker and CEO Marten Mickos have dazzling
] opportunities ahead. - Fast Forward - Can an Open-Source Database Threaten Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM?

Senate scrutinizes air travel database | CNET
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:03 am EST, Mar 14, 2003

] WASHINGTON--The U.S. Congress on Thursday took the first
] step toward curbing a government computer system that
] will perform intensive background checks on American
] citizens who are traveling by air.

Wow! They do have some sense.

Senate scrutinizes air travel database | CNET

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