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So I says to Mable, I says...

DEMOmobile 2004
Topic: Technology 11:27 am EDT, Sep 13, 2004

Nifty startups in the wireless/mobile arena showcase what's coming to a geek lover near you.

DEMOmobile 2004

FCC: Broadband Usage Has Tripled
Topic: Technology 10:30 am EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] The number of broadband Internet subscribers in the U.S.
] has tripled since 2001

FCC: Broadband Usage Has Tripled

Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Lists
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:02 pm EDT, Sep 12, 2004

I like Alien vs Predator

Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Lists

John Shirley: Global to Local
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:29 am EDT, Sep 12, 2004

] The Social Future as seen by six SF Writers

John Shirley: Global to Local

The real inspiration for Islamic Terrorism? Boredom
Topic: Society 11:22 am EDT, Sep 12, 2004

] The threat to the country is very real. The large pool of
] idle youth has allowed Islamic fundamentalists to find
] easy recruits. Saudi sources say that many of the
] insurgents were in their early teens.

Since the early 90s, I've always compared Islamic fundamentalistic terrorism with the punk movement. It seems apropriate.

The real inspiration for Islamic Terrorism? Boredom

All Ketchup is not created equal
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:28 am EDT, Sep 11, 2004

] W Ketchup is made in America, from ingredients
] grown in the USA.
] The leading competitor not only has 57 varieties, but has
] 57 foreign factories as well. W Ketchup comes in one
] flavor: American.

I think I'm going to hurl.

All Ketchup is not created equal

Nation of Idiots
Topic: Society 8:59 am EDT, Sep  9, 2004

] It classified 3.8 million Los Angeles County residents as
] "low-literate," meaning they could not write a note
] explaining a billing error, use a bus schedule or locate
] an intersection on a street map.

Nation of Idiots

Will flying car ever take off?
Topic: Technology 10:38 am EDT, Sep  8, 2004

] Researchers stress that the ultimate dream - an
] affordable, easy-to-use vehicle that could allow regular
] people to fly 200 miles to a meeting and drive 15 miles
] to the mall - is still probably decades away.


Will flying car ever take off?

Maths holy grail could bring disaster for internet
Topic: Science 11:58 pm EDT, Sep  7, 2004

] The plus: the multidimensional topology of space in three
] dimensions will seem simple at last and a million dollar
] reward will be there for the asking. The minus: the
] solver does not claim to have found a solution, he
] doesn't want the reward, and he certainly doesn't want to
] talk to the media.

get your math on.

Maths holy grail could bring disaster for internet

The Innovator's Battle Plan
Topic: Business 11:39 pm EDT, Sep  7, 2004

] Great firms can be undone by disruptors who analyze and
] exploit an incumbent%u2019s strengths and motivations.
] From Clayton Christensen%u2019s new book Seeing
] What%u2019s Next.

The Innovator's Battle Plan

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